Comments on: The Fool’s News 2022 Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 04 Apr 2022 06:33:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Sat, 02 Apr 2022 03:55:41 +0000 In reply to Salman.

Walaikum salam

By: Hamxa Sat, 02 Apr 2022 03:48:55 +0000 hahaha good one Usman bhai

By: PW's April Fool's post today Fri, 01 Apr 2022 17:27:02 +0000 PW in their April Fool’s prank have proposed a Pak NCAP crash assessment.

If you can’t reach the page directly, here is Google’s cached version:

While it brings attention towards an important topic, does it also mean that the mention of crash safety is just limited to jokes?

By: Ali Khan Fri, 01 Apr 2022 10:59:00 +0000 🤯]]> In other news…

all the rich auto sector investors and company top brass has come out and are begging forgiveness. Especially the top brass of the original three Desi-Japs who have lied, cheated and manipulated the auto market of Pakistan since the last three to four decades and have seriously hampered/hindered growth of the industry and have not enabled growth of local parts manufacturing either. They have actively been part of ensuring any local, home grown, auto companies and any new entrants in the Pakistani auto industry failed (especially in the time before the auto policies).

They are now ashamed of their actions and of taking advantage nation by selling sub par and over priced products and limiting the growth of the Pakistani auto industry and promoting the culture of controlling the market through political manipulation and for the false practice of blaming it all on the used JDM imports.

They have pledged to think of the nation first and not of their annual bonuses!!!

As show of good faith, they have announced a major reduction in all vehicles prices for all four to two wheelers. The prices will now be based on actual parts import costs and assembly costs. They will also, starting immediately, utilize their full assembly capacities and will stop making excuses for not introducing any new technology in Pakistan. They will also promote the rapid growth of local parts manufacturers. In fact Jamali Bhai and PAMA are standing at the Karachi port right now waiting for the local parts manufacturing parts that they helped order. The delivery order went to food-panda with special price reduction deal if the order is late by more than 30 mins.

They have also decided to finally let the government wake up. the government will now be allowed to make useful policies to help grow and develop the local industries; auto and otherwise. In a very generous show of love and solidarity with the nation, the auto companies have also announced to help the government to finally start establishing the EV infrastructure so badly needed to promote EV growth in Pakistan.

🤣 🤯

By: TruongNguyen Fri, 01 Apr 2022 10:23:07 +0000]]> Very informative news, Admin! However you forgot the most important news about the most important upcoming vehicle in Pakistan; Lucky Motors is launching the all new luxurious Peugeot 208! It is expected to launch in the 4 million range (since it is a luxurious high class vehicle, duh) and is expected to sweep all of Yaris’s, Alsvin’s and City’s sales away for such a bargain price! 😄

By: Moeez Fri, 01 Apr 2022 05:11:13 +0000 🤣]]> lol Proton & MG wala joke craked me up 🤣🤣

By: Salman Fri, 01 Apr 2022 04:53:17 +0000 Bro please don’t lie even in mazaq .. Jazak ALLAAH swt… Assalam o Alaikum

By: سچاسودا Fri, 01 Apr 2022 04:43:54 +0000 After strict actions from PAC all the car assembler agreed to reduce their car prices by 50% and car will be delivered to customer within one week of full payment.
