Comments on: The Skipped Generation Models Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 13 Nov 2021 11:43:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: DR. Rizwan Sun, 03 May 2020 18:26:32 +0000 a very good informative article. a new generation is always engineered better than the previous one. same is the case with the facelifts. many flaws and faults are corrected while making facelifts and new generations and those must be launched immediately in Pakistan too. but here in Pakistan, the companies try to solve the faults by their own methods and never invest to excel In many developed countries the next year model can be seen on roads in December of the previous year. for eg. a 2020 model car in December 2019.

By: M Asif Thu, 30 Apr 2020 23:50:09 +0000 Brilliant job highlighting the short comings of local cars. Govt need to keep strict check and balance on their practices

By: Anwar Ali Siddiqui Wed, 29 Apr 2020 08:57:40 +0000 this is what i love about your blogs. they are always unique and not copied. keep up thegood work
