Comments on: Top 12 Most Popular Car-Based Computer Games of All Time Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:42:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: The nostalgia of NFS:UG2 Sat, 16 Nov 2024 18:42:36 +0000 While NFS2:SE has been more popular in Pakistan, NFS:UG2 was and is the best of the series, with cinematic graphics even on low config PCs of that time, long stretches of expressways as well as the mountainous part of the city. The controls and car upgrades weren’t too complex. The best part was the use of mobile phone which at that time (2004) was becoming commonplace (At that time there were only 2 companies in Pakistan – Mobilink and Ufone, PakTel was there but not mentionable, Telenor & Warid had yet to come). The storyline was perfect and the the communication with Rachel (the one who always contacted on the phone) kept this player engaged.

Various types of racing were offered:- outrun, street x, circuit drift and mountain drift, drag and sprint. Engine sounds and road sound effects were recreated perfectly and the soundtrack was amazing. While the soundtrack of NFS:PU (Need For Speed 5: Porsche Unleashed) was also magical, and who can forget the unique and distinct title track of NFS:2SE called nfs2se menu music! However in the NFS:UG2 the whole whole playlist matched the ambiance of the game very well, compared to the previous version. In fact the title track by Snoop Dogg as shown in the screenshot above, took this player to a world far far away where it was always night and always racing.

A number of cars were available but in the end yours truly found that Mitsubishi 3000GT is the best as far as physics is concerned and because of its size and momentum, blocking any overtaking NPCs or overtaking any another cars by simply hitting them out of the way was easier. The engine growl of the 3000GT was also better than any of the other cars. But the 3000GT was a little bit difficult to maneuver in the narrow streets of the Coal Harbor area so just used to avoid it, and tried to spend the maximum time in Jackson Heights, Beacon Hills and Airport!
