Comments on: Toyota Falling Off a Cliff Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 20 Jun 2023 07:18:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mehdy Hassan Tue, 20 Jun 2023 07:18:15 +0000 lol the TOYOTA WAY we all know 😀

By: Ali Khan Mon, 19 Jun 2023 09:48:40 +0000 Even in their own home country, people are realizing this company is acting like an over privileged old brat. Why is it squandering the tax payers money on something it can easily pay for itself. By availing this tax subsidy, who do you think will fill in the tax gap? The tax payers will.
Instead of wasting money on a “track ready” hydrogen burning Yaris that burst into flames, maybe they should have invested into batteries in the first place.
This company under the direction of Akio really screwed the pooch. Spreading false propaganda against EVs, fighting and downplaying Climate change requirements and finally releasing an EV which was so substandard, they are still struggling to find sales. And if Toyota now presents this as evidence for “how low the demand for EVs is”; that is totally wrong also. The reason that the BZ4X failed is because of the very substandard vehicle it was and not because EV demand is low. It is so bad, even die hard Toyota fanboys stayed away!
And now Toyota is asking the Chinese to make EVs for them.
The article puts it best. Toyota will eventually get on to the EV band-wagon. However, it will never be a leader or trend setter. Instead it will be just another in a sea of brands.
I myself like hydrogen. But it is difficult to do. Hydrogen is difficult to produce and expensive. Even the Fuel cells are difficult and expensive to manufacture. You will need to establish a whole delivery infrastructure to get hydrogen to the fueling stations which is again, expensive.
Making a good Hydrogen car is only half the battle. The establishment of the more expensive support infrastructure is the real problem. That is why Toyota never got past their marketing car, the Mirai, in decades.
EV is easier. Charging stations need only use the already existing electricity grid in any country.
But in the case of Toyota we can clearly see you cannot teach an old dog new tricks or it is very reluctant to learn them at the very least. Unfortunately, that is now costing them the trust of their shareholders which is a serious problem. Its become its own worst enemy.

By: Japan has more worries than subsidizing Toyota EVs Mon, 19 Jun 2023 08:56:51 +0000 Japan will soon be exceeded by other countries – not due to the technological superiority – but they’ll simply go extinct due to depopulation. Japan’s companies are such slave-driving feudals that nobody has time for courtship, finding their soulmate, marriage or bedroom activities. Couple that women lib, abusive and/or shy men and gynocentric family court system which will only continue to financially rip men on & on for their entire lives until they psychologically break up and commit suicide.

Unless Japan radically improves its corporate, legal and social culture immediately, Japan, its companies and conglomerates {not excluding Toyota} and the whole society will soon exist only in books of history and social studies; which will be such a loss given the remarkable history, culture and world contribution of this great nation.
