Comments on: Toyota Pakistan Begins Exporting Auto Parts to Egypt Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 16 Jul 2023 21:18:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: UsmanAnsari Sun, 16 Jul 2023 21:18:59 +0000 Le top notch car part:

By: Not a Robot.. Thu, 13 Jul 2023 19:40:09 +0000 such a comedy of press release by toyota indus 😀

By: Shahid ali Pasha Thu, 13 Jul 2023 05:25:26 +0000 another highest level bluff by IMC, their press release first say they have joined “car exporters” then they say signed to export “auto parts” to eqypt.. then they reveal to us that its just semi processed raw material lol 😀

By: Ali Khan Wed, 12 Jul 2023 20:44:10 +0000 👏👏... And it only took them three decades to achieve this! 🤦‍♂️ What is the part? is it another small plastic bit that is installed behind the front bumper in the Corolla like the part that is exported to Vietnam? or is it something more substantial? And lastly; is the small front bumper part that they export/exported to Vietnam still valid? Back in 2020 when that news broke, the 11th gen corolla was still being assembled and sold in Vietnam. Since then Toyota Vietnam have introduced the 12th gen Corolla. So, is that "export" still valid or just so much forgotten hype?]]> 👏👏👏…

And it only took them three decades to achieve this! 🤦‍♂️

What is the part? is it another small plastic bit that is installed behind the front bumper in the Corolla like the part that is exported to Vietnam? or is it something more substantial?

And lastly; is the small front bumper part that they export/exported to Vietnam still valid? Back in 2020 when that news broke, the 11th gen corolla was still being assembled and sold in Vietnam. Since then Toyota Vietnam have introduced the 12th gen Corolla. So, is that “export” still valid or just so much forgotten hype?

By: A little bit disappointing Wed, 12 Jul 2023 15:47:09 +0000 The headlines raises the hopes too high but then the main tells us the story.

Indus doesn’t manufacture parts. PAAPAM members spare parts manufacturers manufacture the parts. Indus will just put them in Toyota Genuine labelled box and jack up up the price by 50×. The back-breaking work will be done in Pakistani sweat shops, bought by Indus for peanuts and the profits will be repatriated to Japan.

Talk about marketing double-speak. The way they note “first ever auto manufacturer to open gates to the global supply chain”. First of all there is no auto manufacturer in Pakistan. All of them are assemblers. Secondly the concept of export of parts has been there not only before Indus existed but even before Pakistan was formed. It is not like they pioneered this concept. Of course all the Pakistani assemblers have been importing CKDs which means there must be some foreign source exporting to them? They have been importing for decades, was their supplier was not a part of global supply chain? Now that they have exported something, they are so awesomely international? Thirdly, doesn’t the article that as far as Pakistan is concerned, Sazgar and Changan were already doing it?

In the first paragraph it says that top-notch car parts will be supplied. In the 5th para the top-notch car parts convert into semi-processed raw materials. Is it a press release or is it a joke?

Jamali bhai announced about the “Made in Pakistan” dream, yet there is no local production, no local R&D, no market-specific models. India is way ahead because there they have R&D and so many foreign brands also introduced IDM Indian Domestic Models totally developed for the local audience completely independent of the parent company. If after 3+ decades of regulatory pampering, his idea of “Made in Pakistan” is semi-processed raw materials, sadly he aimed too low.

Pakwheels also covered the story several minutes ago
