Comments on: Toyota Yaris Cross Scores Full 5 Stars in Euro NCAP Crash Tests Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 31 Oct 2021 06:08:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Sun, 31 Oct 2021 06:08:59 +0000 I think that it is not just Toyota or another renowned auto-maker that has either tried or is trying to take a short-cut at playing with their costs and profits.
One should just look around and he would be able to see in every day of life general public doing oddities, in particular the Pakistanis. They now seem to not even light a head light at the night and at high speed, while coming from the wrong way is not even considered wrong now. However, these actions sound tame when one gets to read an ASSUMPTION BASED COMMENT.
I think, it is the worst type of cutting the corner because the habit is not even benefiting anyone at all and this feature of this habit makes it worse than Toyota offering a one star Yaris which at-least seems to be benefiting millions of people around the world.
Therefore, in my view, expecting the people, with power to influence other peoples lives, to play with ethics while there are likes of such keyboard warriors in out midst, there is a rather fat chance of anything positive happening for quiet some time to come.

By: TruongNguyen Sat, 30 Oct 2021 17:08:03 +0000 5 Stars in Europe, where regulations pinch you where it hurts the most if you even think of ignoring them, and 1 star in Mexico. The same brand. The same platform.

Gives you a lot to think about.
