Comments on: Up to 19 Died After Being Stranded in Murree Snowfall Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 05 Apr 2023 18:09:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Euro 7, a new level of carbon monoxide reduction! Wed, 05 Apr 2023 18:09:12 +0000 In reply to Demand for safer vehicles.

Revisiting this topic on 5th Apr 2k23 to bring some new light on carbon monoxide poisoning and latest regulation.

AFAIK one of the social media videos showed a Suzuki Alto whose occupants were victims of this tragedy. As we know that the 2000-2012 5th gen Alto came with carburetor based fuel-metering and the sole reason it was discontinued was that it could not meet the 2012 deadline of Euro 2 mandated by the government. This high-CO-output obsolete design became the reason of their demise instead of becoming the reason they survived.

Now the recent news is that Euro 7 is on the cards (not for Pakistan but for Europe). Link:-

The special thing about Euro 7 as far as tailpipe emissions are concerned, it asks 50% reduction in CO emissions! Look here:- This value was last reduced in Euro 4 way back in 2005. As far as CO emissions, Euro 4, Euro 5a, Euro 5b, Euro 6a, Euro 6b, Euro 6c, Euro 6d and Euro 6e have all been the same. Twenty years after 2005, in 2025 (mandated deadline for Euro 7 petrol vehicles), finally the CO content will be further reduced … a small step for emissions, a great leap for humanity.

Here’s hoping & praying that the sacrifices of those victims do not go in vain, and that Euro 7 level, low-carbon monoxide vehicles arrive quickly in Pakistan to reduce any further avoidable loss to human life & health.

By: TruongNguyen Thu, 13 Jan 2022 12:39:44 +0000 πŸ‘]]> In reply to Khurram.

“I am better, you are worse. I am blind to my sins, I only see yours.”

Have some of my “fancy writing” here, Khurram! I wrote this to sum up your very clean and “masoom” reply. Keep pretending you do absolutely nothing wrong, and everyone here only questions you because they hate you for some reason! πŸ˜„πŸ‘

By: Khurram Thu, 13 Jan 2022 11:36:35 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Firstly, wow yourself, you used lakh beside the swear word. May be your education is not enough to cover that part.
Secondly, I have been doing a bad job, yes I admit that but what is then your responsibility you lamentably low on ethics man? I don’t see other than you and Not a Robot commenting non stop under my every comment, most of your replies are based on lies and always hold a imagined or a sour tone, check out your counter comments on Don’t mess with Toyota and article on Toyota Probox. So my dear, regardless of what I am, for sure you are the worst.
Thirdly, I did not use any word against you on this article because I did not initiated an argument. In fact, on this article you called me pathetic and witless. So you started it and damaged the hygiene of this blog, disregarded Bhai Usman as well, and even disgraced a sacred word by writing it incorrectly and next to a swear word. I believe that is the reason that Bhai Usman did not even Allhamdulillah took your request and removed my comment, whereas he edited yours a few days ago at my request, he is far-sighted and he knew what I meant.
Lastly, since you have been so kind as to remind me that I promised Bhai Usman and as I have now seen what a loser you can be in your temper. Therefore, I am not going to respond to you, I shall Inshaa Allah ignore your illiterate comments, just the way I have been sideling whatever engagements Ali Khan and Not a Robot have been throwing under my comments as of late.

P.S. Hypocrite? Let’s see. You failed to realise that you started the argument on this article, you also ignored that you used lakh beside a swear word and you also presumed that I have insulted everyone. Yet, I am a hypocrite, well, it goes to show, your brain is not sponged with education, it is better for me to let you write and wow at your petty achievements. I also wonder why Bhai Usman haven’t blocked me from this blog if I had been doing just his since 2016? May be because you are writing fancy and lying as usual.

By: TruongNguyen Thu, 13 Jan 2022 08:34:27 +0000 </span>]]> In reply to Khurram.

I do not even reply to most
of their comments in particular in the light of Bhai Usman’s request to keep
the forum clean.”

By the looks of it, you’ve been doing a really terrible job at it so far. Bhai Usman must be very pleased… πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

By: TruongNguyen Thu, 13 Jan 2022 08:30:10 +0000 🀣 I don't think I need to correct them, Khurram... you must be literate enough to understand them now, are you? Or perhaps I need to spell my words out to you as if you're a child? Whichever's easier for you, Khurram! πŸ€”]]> In reply to Khurram.

Very well Khurram! Just cause you don’t have anything good to say back to me, you lecture me on how my spellings are wrong! πŸ˜‚πŸ€£

I don’t think I need to correct them, Khurram… you must be literate enough to understand them now, are you? Or perhaps I need to spell my words out to you as if you’re a child? Whichever’s easier for you, Khurram! πŸ€”

By: TruongNguyen Thu, 13 Jan 2022 08:26:44 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Wow, a normal word! Subhanallah!! I didn’t know words like “illiterate”, “retard”, “buffoon”, “filthy”, “clown”, “deplorable” were words normally used in conversations with people! Oh no, they totally don’t use them for degrading or insulting someone at all, not at all! Even if you think you can cheat God (and yourself) by not using curse words, you’re still using these “oh so normal” words to insult someone anyway!! It’s the same thing!

The biggest irony of your comment is the fact that you lecture me and many others religiously on how they shouldn’t use insults… when all you’re known for on this blog is for your generous use of insults!!

Khurram there must be a Hadith or an Ayah on hypocrisy as well, perhaps read it out to me for your sake? Since I’m so “religiously illiterate”…

Oh- almost forgot! With respect to your logic and claim, let me do the calculation… Oh no! Khurram, by the looks of it, you’ve slept with your own mother 72 times from this comment alone!

You must really love your mother, do you?

By: Khurram Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:45:40 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

By the way in your insolence you seem to be spelling even Mashaa Allah incorrectly you illiterate man. Why use these sacred words if you don’t even know how to spell them?

By: Khurram Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:41:42 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Your literacy is visible with your comparison between a normal word and a swear word you deplorable man. Better consult your Pakistani author-based book and read the meaning for uncouth and ill-mannered, here is the link in case your Pakistani author fails you in your quest.
As for you feeling remorseful over the use of words, your tone is not suggesting it but maybe you are too haughty to actually type even an actual apology. So I for one am never going to forgive you for the use of these words against me.
P.S. I don’t remember using the word filthy against you wasn’t it clown?
P.P.S. You seem to like empathy don’t you? I suggest you download its meaning into your brain as well.
P.P.P.S. You have still not answered my two questions. May be your caliber is too low to comprehend them.

By: Khurram Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:39:56 +0000 In reply to Religious judging best for own self not for others.

So your pushing in a conversation, not even aimed at you, is something that would be earning you a sawab? Better be worried over your actions before reminding me.
note that I am careful dear that is why I unlike your friend Truong have so far
held myself from mouthing out swear words regardless of how angry I have felt
in the past.
reference note that I have been reading through this blog since the start of
2016 and not even one off my so many comments have ever been edited. Why?
Because this much I can say with confidence, I have never lost my temper with a
person who has spoken civilly to me. In other words, my hate has been directed
at Truong, Ali Khan, Fake ID user and Not a Robot. I do not even reply to most
of their comments in particular in the light of Bhai Usman’s request to keep
the forum clean.

By: Khurram Thu, 13 Jan 2022 04:39:30 +0000 In reply to Heavy heart and solemn mind.

Firstly, I did not assume that they laughed at the government. In fact media, including the C.S.P., reported government telling the world that Murree’s housing capacity is bursting its limit, please avoid visiting the place. In fact, social media was blared with pictures of people taking selfies while keeping their cars parked in the middle of the road. How do you qualify these actions? These pictures, are still available in news papers related to period around the snowstorm, look them up. Therefore, I do not own any type of forgiveness from these dead people because I spoke about their deeds that have already been reported in the media, had I, heaven forbid, insulted them for something that was not reported about them, then I would have been wrong. Anyways, I stand by what I said, they broke rules, and they suffered and therein lies a lesson for us all, we must act civilly and listen to government no matter however adventurous we may be feeling.

Secondly, yes I am answerable to Allah and that is why I always follow rules, listen to a higher authority and refrain from using swear words, which something your dear friend Truong has done. In his pride, he had even mixed a word spoken in normal language in daily life with a word that educated people avoid saying aloud.

Thirdly, I don’t care what people visiting this blog say about me because I do not live for them, I live for Allah S.W.T..

Fourthly, Thanks for reminding me about the beat that keep tuning out regarding Bolan but everyone on this forum keeps on doing that in other forms so it is not a shameful act for me.

P.S. I did not say that they died off their own mistake, I said that had they observed actions as per the governments warning, they may not have faced the horrid suffering that they went through.
