Comments on: Volkswagen to Exit Russia Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 24 Oct 2022 10:27:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Mon, 24 Oct 2022 10:27:48 +0000 The Chinese companies must send a thank you gift basket to the heads of all these companies exiting Russia. One the one hand they are complaining about losing the market to the Chinese. On the other hand they’re just handing it over to them willingly.

This war is by no means OK and must come to an end. Anyone who starts such wars do not suffer at all. They just enjoy the game from afar. The common folk who are in the thick of it are suffering. But such measures are not the answer. If Russia were a nation with no options, such measures would matter and give them pause. Now Russia can just indigenize because it has the capability and now they also have China to take up the slack. If anything, these exits are more of a minor inconvenience.

VW says it will “sell assets to third party”. With all the sanctions, Wouldn’t that mean it will be selling off their assets to, most probably, a Russian local company. So, not only are the western auto companies losing business, it means a good technology boost to the local Russian auto sector. So how is it bad for Russia exactly?
