Comments on: 11th Gen Toyota Corolla Becomes 8 Years Old in Pakistan Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 15 Jul 2022 09:30:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Fri, 15 Jul 2022 09:30:41 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

Correction “Shouldn’t people feel a little robbed”

By: Maaz Fri, 15 Jul 2022 09:25:30 +0000 1 more year and it will break Indus Corolla’s record, am i right?

By: Ali Khan Fri, 15 Jul 2022 06:31:34 +0000 and in the front its just screaming, "WHY?!!!". And the best bit, Very cheap fake leather black seat covers, AT A COST! WOW! talk about "technically sound and advanced".🤦‍♂️🤣 The bottom line is, the people's choice is being taken advantage of and a 10 year old car is still begin sold to us as "new". why didn't we get the new corolla. Even African countries have it. Here the introduction of the current 12th gen corolla has been hijacked for years on the grift of TNGA. Doesn't seem to be problem anywhere else... The corolla is a "tough car". Fine. Won't the 12th generation be the same if introduced here? Don't we deserve to get that for what we are paying for the 10 year old one? Shouldn't people feel a littler rubbered and taken advantage of? Should "good resale" and a slew of kabali or cheap Chinese parts justify this? wouldn't the 12th generation enjoy the same if introduced here? But as you are STILL a fan of Mehroo, Boloo, and Ravina, advancement is a foreign concept and things should just remain as they are... right? 👍]]> In reply to Khurram.

Corolla Width – 60.9 inches
Elantra Width – 70.9 Inches
Civic Width – 70.9 inches
Sportage Width – 73 inches (why you would bring a crossover into this…)

Its not the widest, its the least widest.

Indus Corolla is 8 years old and currently in its 9th year of production here.
In the international markets, this car is actually 9 years old and is now in its 10 year. and like the article further states, it is only assembled here. Isn’t that taking advantage of a market with no checks and balances and selling an outdated vehicle made of cheap to import parts at very high markups and which is very under equipped?

Technically, its the least advanced of the vehicles you mentioned.

There is no doubt that the corolla is the car of choice for many. However the quality of the locally assembled one is not that great. ask anyone who has strictly owned only JDMs for a long time to come and sit inside the car. the most common reaction is, its bland inside with a sea of scratchy plastics on the dash (especially on the lower models) and hard uncomfortable seats.

And instead of offering actual upgrades in technology, what is offered are plastic extensions for the bumpers that make it look like they were going for a Kim Kardashian look from the back. 🤦‍♂️ and in the front its just screaming, “WHY?!!!”. And the best bit, Very cheap fake leather black seat covers, AT A COST! WOW! talk about “technically sound and advanced”.🤦‍♂️🤣

The bottom line is, the people’s choice is being taken advantage of and a 10 year old car is still begin sold to us as “new”. why didn’t we get the new corolla. Even African countries have it. Here the introduction of the current 12th gen corolla has been hijacked for years on the grift of TNGA. Doesn’t seem to be problem anywhere else…

The corolla is a “tough car”. Fine. Won’t the 12th generation be the same if introduced here? Don’t we deserve to get that for what we are paying for the 10 year old one? Shouldn’t people feel a littler rubbered and taken advantage of? Should “good resale” and a slew of kabali or cheap Chinese parts justify this? wouldn’t the 12th generation enjoy the same if introduced here?

But as you are STILL a fan of Mehroo, Boloo, and Ravina, advancement is a foreign concept and things should just remain as they are… right? 👍

By: Khurram Fri, 15 Jul 2022 03:14:54 +0000 Even technically the Corolla remains better than Elantra, Sportage and Civic because it is the only vehicle that is offering decent looks (latest M.M.C. looks good), durability, reasonable maintenance cost and comfort and wide body all in one go.
