Comments on: 6th gen Honda CR-V Unveiled Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 13 Jul 2022 19:16:52 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Wed, 13 Jul 2022 19:16:52 +0000 ]]> In reply to TruongNguyen.

Exactly. Familiarity sells. something that looks “new” but feels familiar is good. that is what these companies focus on. Look at the iPhone designs. They have been the slowest to update. The designs are an apple “signature” but due to that, rarely do they make any significant changes, lest they rock the boat too much and risk loosing their customer-base’s interest.

On the other hand look at our local Honda. The last generation of the civic had some very serious technical issues. it has failure problems with the rear ABS break pumps and transmission issues and other major faults. So much so that Honda was sighted for not being very cooperative in their under warranty repairs. It is not hear say. it happened and cases are there. It had panel gap and welding issues. So did the “new” old city. However, still, due to the familiar name and “trust”, people swore by them and bought them like hot cakes. Still do. its just the way the human psyche works I guess.

That explains a lot about one particular individual. to the point that even facts don’t matter. 😄

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 13 Jul 2022 14:06:49 +0000 ]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

It’s almost as if car companies are aware that the human brain seeks and familiarizes itself with patterns so they try to take advantage of that in hopes of more sales! But noooo, our Oxfordian Ulema approved individual doesn’t care about how brains work. Why would he care about something he doesn’t have? 🙄

By: Ali Khan Wed, 13 Jul 2022 10:02:35 +0000 This is something I wanted to explain to one of our commenters on this blog.

Honda CR-V×445-1.jpg

Hyundai Tucson

See the similarities in the front grill designs and lights placement?

Honda CR-V×463-1.jpg

Honda Jazz

Toyota Aqua

See the similarities in the lights design?

This is what confuses him. Companies like to go for generic designs. That means some of the design language is similar/repetitive.

And these designs are NOT approved randomly. These designs go through large customer focus groups many times and who are asked what design features they like and which they don’t. That is also a big reason why vehicles have repetitive design elements and companies use designs from some of their older models.

Here is a fun one. We all think the 12th gen Toyota corolla is a “fresh” design. Think again…

Toyota Corolla 12th gen

Toyota/Scion Tc 2014 facelift

See the similarities…

Any company entering a market will have to give the customers there what they want and like to purchase. Its that simple. Even this new CR-V is brining nothing new to the table. Just a generic design that people have come to expect with a few modifications to differentiate it enough so people can justify calling it “fresh or new”.
