Comments on: A Market Where Cars Are Expensive Than Residential Property Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 24 Mar 2022 04:27:45 +0000 hourly 1 By: Insurance companies too Tue, 04 Jan 2022 06:46:26 +0000 In reply to Can-do attitude.

You forgot the insurance companies.
Insurance companies (IIHS) have had a major role in designing crash test criteria! And conducting crash tests and developing crash ratings!

The local insurance companies seem to have great focus on security. They won’t insure any car without tracker – even government had made immobilizer compulsory a few years ago. However they (insurers) seem to have absolutely no idea about safety. In fact substandard tracker installation have found to catch fire so apparently they have no idea of fire safety, crash safety or any other safety and they in fact compromised safety for security.

However the insurance companies have been unable to get the auto assemblers to include tracker as factory-fitted equipment.

You can write an email to your insurance company for an answer why they haven’t made ABS, short stopping distance braking, structural integrity, passenger safety cell, crash safety rating, etc. whichever feature you desire to write about. Let them answer about their policy. If they don’t answer, pursue them through call center. If they still don’t answer, escalate it to Federal Insurance Ombudsman.

OGRA aleady made ABS/EBS compulsory on trucks carrying petroleum goods so the things are improving though slowly slowly, let’s put our multi-dimensional effort to accelerate the long overdue process. The rate of fatal motorcycle crashes per 10,000 registered vehicle years was 37 percent lower for ABS models than for their non-ABS versions.

By: Can-do attitude Mon, 03 Jan 2022 09:33:24 +0000 In reply to Abubakar.

There is a lot you can do at the individual level.
Car Spirit Pk blog is a very useful lobbying effort to spread awareness. The writers, readers, commenters and forwarders/quoters all are important part of this ecosystem.

Moreover, the next steps you (and all of us) can take is send our message to the powers that be. You can write a letter to your MNA or senator related to this stuff. After all the people of your area chose them (elected individuals) to represent them (people of the constituency) in the law-making arena. It is not necessary that your individual must also be a part of some steering commitee, standing committee or cabinet for him/her to be relevant. For affordable and suitable transportation, people always bugger their DC, AC, MPA, MNA and senator for “new roads” so why not bugger them for “new vehicles” as well?
Next is you can use the Citizen’s Portal and Prime Minister’s app to file your complaint there. You can also write your recommendations to EDB and the like when the time comes. You can also write to the Engineering Council as they are responsible for the engineering education as well as engineering profession in Pakistan.

And you can write to the auto-assembling companies as well, to the stock exchange (most of them are listed companies), SECP or any other regulator such as the PSQCA, consumer court or competition commission.

You can also consult your lawyer for any other suitable avenues. Always remember that getting the message to the right person is the first step. Without that, if you didn’t convey anything there, it is unreasonable to expect anything to happen as it is only God who can know what is in the eart, human beings need to be told in written.

By: Abubakar Mon, 03 Jan 2022 06:06:48 +0000 Our whole “AWAAM” is too focused on politics in the country that they forget about the future, they just want quick action. The government replies with some pics on social media and press conferences. Then when it is time for practical steps, Voila! they contemplate and it takes so long that “awaam ka bheera ghark”. Why this much heat from public now? More and more people are buying cars now and are the ones bearing the costs of fuel and everything related to auto industry, new brands have entered the market so there is still glimmer of hope left. What should be done on ground level, the changes that you and i can make? Ihtejaj kre?

By: Not a Robot.. Sun, 02 Jan 2022 22:54:28 +0000 very valid points raised. but only if our govt was serious to bring betterment in auto industry. for now i dont see things improving coz current govt is dumb n clueless

By: Sharjeyl Sun, 02 Jan 2022 14:17:30 +0000 ]]> Hats off to the writer for writing this article. At least some body has guts to call black, a black πŸ–€

By: TruongNguyen Sun, 02 Jan 2022 11:33:30 +0000 Excellent article! You’ve mentioned a lot of hard hitting facts about this country’s auto industry. It’s an absolute shame that the Pakistani auto industry has been set unleashed ever since it’s inception and so little has been done to regain even the slightest control of it. These vehicles which are an absolute necessity at this point for travelling to any point in this country, has been advertised and sold as luxuries despite their ironic absolute lack of luxury.

Reading articles like this makes me glad for once that the elephant in the room gets pointed out to the masses who mostly have been unaware to this and have been taught to live with what they give us. But at the same time, it also makes me depressed knowing that even after 70 years of running this country, we have yet to realize and tap into the economic potential of the auto industry and finally rid it of these unchained mega corporate business companies, who had never looked into Pakistan as a legit auto industry ever since they set foot but rather only treated it as a sheep factory where they can make money twice as easily with half the effort and no rules to stop them…

I just hope that one day I can see my country get taken seriously regarding it’s thriving industries and the countless potentials it holds. One day I hope I can see a car that proudly and rightfully says “Made in Pakistan” like it was meant to happen 40 years ago. One day InshaAllah.

By: Yasir Hussain Khan Sun, 02 Jan 2022 10:07:20 +0000 πŸ‘πŸ»]]> Absolutely spot on!! Brilliant article πŸ‘ŒπŸ»πŸ‘πŸ»

By: Ali Khan Sun, 02 Jan 2022 09:53:29 +0000 Hats off Usman Bhai. This was one of your best and most hard hitting articles yet!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘ <em>"</em><em>Higher localization</em><em> in value components (such as making engines, transmission etc) is the need of the day rather than boasting about localizing a thousand valueless items which one can β€˜touch & feel’."</em> <strong><em>"</em></strong><strong><em>Ctrl+Alt+Del… time to reboot!"</em></strong> <span>If only our prominent TV personalities with their "hard hitting, the truth only matters" shows would do even half the research shown here by a true journalist, we might hold these governmental (emphasis on </span><strong>mental</strong><span>) grifters to task and force them to show results.</span> <span>πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘</span>]]> This was from the heart!πŸ’–

Hats off Usman Bhai. This was one of your best and most hard hitting articles yet!πŸ‘ŒπŸ‘

Higher localization in value components (such as making engines, transmission etc) is the need of the day rather than boasting about localizing a thousand valueless items which one can β€˜touch & feel’.”
Ctrl+Alt+Del… time to reboot!”

If only our prominent TV personalities with their “hard hitting, the truth only matters” shows would do even half the research shown here by a true journalist, we might hold these governmental (emphasis on mental) grifters to task and force them to show results.

