Comments on: After Hyundai Indians Target Kia for Kashmir Day Tweet Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 16 Feb 2022 10:14:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: HAMXA Wed, 16 Feb 2022 10:14:55 +0000 In reply to Waqas.

add Proton to that list, after all X70 is as chinese as any other MG DFSK or Changan

By: Khurram Thu, 10 Feb 2022 05:43:40 +0000 In reply to Where are Kashmiris human rights.

Choose Kashmiri rights eh? Exactly what type of rights are you supporting? Do you believe that typing over here would help Kashmiris?

Well, here are some ground reality based facts. For the starters, check the import bill with India, cosmetics, pharmaceutical, clothes and even primary crops including animal feed is being imported from there we are ballooning their exports and their government is allocating the amount for military expenses. Therefore, you are requested to come out of your reverie because currently even the staunchest of the Pakistanis are using products sold by India and indirectly colluding with them in hurting poor Kashmiris. If we had an inkling we would have stopped using these products. Things don’t end here and for the grand finale being fought by us against support for Kashmiris, recall Pakistanis vociferously criticising the government over its hesitation to lock-up Maullana Masood Azhar. For your refresher the man is famous for attacking Indian army in Kashmir.

P.S. Dear team C.S.P. I am sorry I have gone off topic but it is important to remind these loud and ill-informed commentators that they are acting like an emotional baby who cannot act because naturally the baby is too dependent to act off his own accord.

By: Ali Khan Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:21:49 +0000 I thought this might be a case of the money making machines actually thinking of justice and human rights before the money for once. I was wrong. However what you said explains the whole thing pretty well... "loosing foreign investment"... That is all they can do. The world has seen what has happened and they only scream at the 'dukandars' and silence them because they know they have a big influence on their income. W O W!!! That is what is wrong with the world. When money talks, few are deaf and many are quick and willing to turn a blind eye.]]> In reply to Alwyn Richard.

Boy is my face red! I spoke too soon.😳

I thought this might be a case of the money making machines actually thinking of justice and human rights before the money for once. I was wrong. However what you said explains the whole thing pretty well…

“loosing foreign investment”…

That is all they can do. The world has seen what has happened and they only scream at the ‘dukandars’ and silence them because they know they have a big influence on their income. W O W!!!

That is what is wrong with the world. When money talks, few are deaf and many are quick and willing to turn a blind eye.

By: Waqas Wed, 09 Feb 2022 13:39:46 +0000 When i checken Kia and Hyundai offer in India compare to Pakistan , beleive me we got better car lineup than in India.
The way Kia and Hyundai is reacting remember me the way the European and North American country are reacting for the Uyghurs, they are’t in China for the games to boycott.
We should boycott MG, DFSK and Changan.

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 09 Feb 2022 09:03:03 +0000 ]]> In reply to Alwyn Richard.

It’s called marketing. In order to sell to your desired customers, you have to first relate to them.

You can’t make a “Happy thanksgiving” marketing advertisement for your product on that occasion in a country like Mexico, where they don’t celebrate that cause it’s not local to them and has nothing to do with their history/culture. Instead, you could market it on the “Dias de los Muertos” occasion and it would likely sell because that tradition/culture is local to them and customers from that area can easily relate to it.

It’s just a case of simple marketing turned into a fuss by a bunch of people who think it’s a major threat. 🤷‍♂️

By: Where are Kashmiris human rights Wed, 09 Feb 2022 08:05:33 +0000 In reply to Alwyn Richard.

It is not about political views or foreign investment. It is about human rights.

Pakistan, Pakistani government and Pakistani businesses have always stood for Kashmiris need to get their right self-determination through referendum according to United Nations resolutions.
If Indians think they can bully these companies into submission by their sheer market size and lucrative profit-making then let it be. Pakistan has always sacrificed for Kashmiris and if these companies pull out will only be one more sacrifice of what the Kashmiris are suffering.

It is up to these companies to decide whether they stand for human rights or whether they stand for human rights violation. Any foreign investor is welcome in Pakistan and it is a fact that Pakistan of course needs their contribution so let them be our guest but if it comes to the point where Pakistan has to choose between these companies and Kashmiris right to choice, Pakistanis will always choose Kashmiris right to referendum in this dilemma.

By: Not a Robot.. Wed, 09 Feb 2022 05:40:05 +0000 In reply to Alwyn Richard.

Kashmir Day is observed since 2004 and every year all major brands be it local or international, observe this day in the same manner. nothing new.. why Indians came out of hibernation this year only? and plz come out of that bubble of losing foreign investment. should better focus on retaining Fiat, Ford & likes in India… 😀

By: Alwyn Richard Wed, 09 Feb 2022 04:44:43 +0000 😂😂]]> In reply to Ali Khan.

All apologized.. See the news and thank you pakistan for loosing foreign investment. 😂😂😂

By: Ali Khan Wed, 09 Feb 2022 04:06:35 +0000 👍👍]]> In reply to Not a Robot...

Thank you so much for clearing up this topi drama from across the border.
They are famous for spinning yarns to make movies. This is no different. This Hyundai/Kia thing is just another yarn spun to divert from their atrocities.
Much appreciated. 👍👍👍

By: Not a Robot.. Wed, 09 Feb 2022 01:52:40 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...
