Comments on: Are Mandatory Airbags Enough for Safety? Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 01 Feb 2022 05:16:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Khurram Tue, 01 Feb 2022 05:16:46 +0000 In reply to Again double-standard?.

Rule breaking! How very touching but the Bolan is also too good for the likes of you and those fine two men who have joined your pack to bark at every comment I keep on posting. Now, firstly, aren’t you the same guy who wrote that a Daewoo’s semi has a projector lamps? If so, may I ask? What were you trying to preach then? How on earth can you even be expected to follow any rule when you lied. Maybe lying is the rule you learned in a Pakistani book or some Pakistani village school, the school also told you to state rule abidance as a must for others. The implication from a man like you is indeed the second biggest joke on this blog. Sorry but Truong took the first number in that area.

Lastly, you even seem to be breaking another rule, hello, it is called making a comparison between two factors. You are putting a basic safety item next to a safety that is desired by a certain class only. But then again I guess that writing a fancy and ridiculous comment is your characteristic, isn’t it? Don’t worry, you aren’t alone, Truong, Ali Khan and Not a Robot are in the same boat. I suppose the reason is that you guys start feeling an itching in your guts over a comment and the rash do not seem to get cured unless you guys have written an illogical comment or insulted someone, in fact your sassy comments with brother Waqas can be read on Toyota handing over the SUV market. He is a foreigner, what image did you send? Rings a bell? Where is practice part? Rotting and smoking somewhere, retrieve it before it burns out and don’t berate me for Bolan, rather damn yourself for skating over rules.

P.S. As for an end of Bolan, I am not complaining, because the P.S. is not discontinuing it any time soon.

By: TruongNguyen Mon, 31 Jan 2022 15:48:48 +0000 In reply to Don’t cheap out on welding.

Agreed. Almost all of the body shops/mechanics in Pakistan use ancient blow torch/gas welding techniques for welding/cutting panels, specially in auto body denting. MIG and TIG welding is almost a foreign concept to these chop shops.

It’s a shame that even the assembling in Pakistan is still a huge question mark after all these years simply because there is no government body to monitor them.

By: Again double-standard? Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:27:02 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Would you buy a car without brakes?
Would you buy a car without airbags?

I follow rules. Yet I want to be safe from those who don’t follow rules.

What about following the rules the government is making? Safety is in the hands of rule following then definitely the rule to install airbags in vehicles must be followed too. If the government is mandating airbag and a result Bolan will end, why have you been complaining? Carmakers must follow the rules. Vehicle purchasers/consumers must also follow the rules.

Practice what you preach.

By: Don't cheap out on welding Mon, 31 Jan 2022 12:18:54 +0000 All the secondary features are useless if the manufacturer/assembler cheaps out on structural integrity. Pakistan is an energy expensive country – and welding needs electricity, lots of it.
In the absence of any “performance based specification” viz. standardized crash testing, the “prescription based specification” viz. number of airbags without any way to test their effectiveness is going to prove fruitless.

By: TruongNguyen Mon, 31 Jan 2022 08:56:19 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

No car or system can guarantee the survival & safety of the occupants in case of crashes.

But then…

…But what is in our hands is to use the available systems to maximize the chances of survival in case of any unfortunate event. Always keep in mind that prevention is better than cure.

Having technology like seatbelts and Airbags doesn’t always mean that we are completely safe in the unfortunate case of an accident, it just means that it increases our chances of survival in an accident. It’s better to have Airbags and seatbelts in case of an accident than to have none of these safety restraints at all.

By: Not a Robot.. Mon, 31 Jan 2022 08:02:23 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

safety is a subjective term. for some even seat cushion is a safety device coz it protects you from burning ur bun kebabs from engine heat underneath the seat 😀 😛

By: Khurram Mon, 31 Jan 2022 06:46:16 +0000 A good write-up Bhai Usman, may your health wealth and emaan increase. I particularly agree that safety is in the hands of rule following rather than needlessly imbuing a car with every available safety technology or racing it beyond allowable limits.
