Comments on: Battery Swapping will Make EVs Even More Attractive to Buyers Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 06 Jul 2022 08:43:21 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Wed, 06 Jul 2022 08:43:21 +0000 ]]> In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Oh wow, that is crazy. He has gone under the radar for using insults that are unlikely to get filtered by the moderation tools for a long time.

Glad you did the right thing! 😁

By: UsmanAnsari Wed, 06 Jul 2022 02:23:43 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

use of proper language is considered among basic etiquette and what most moderation tools first tend to filter out are trash/ slang/ dirty words. Yes you can hold a different opinion and even argue, which the system will never detect. However if you use words that any moderation filter is supposed to censor out, that too nearly half a dozen times in just a couple of lines then its bound to get deleted.

By: Ali Khan Tue, 05 Jul 2022 16:13:57 +0000 🤣🤣 Sahih baat hai. His fragile reality might fall apart...]]> In reply to Mehdy Hassan.


Sahih baat hai.

His fragile reality might fall apart…

By: TruongNguyen Tue, 05 Jul 2022 13:22:41 +0000 ]]> In reply to Not a Robot...

Maybe Bhai Usman has finally gone sick and tired of reading thru his comments before publishing them. Kudos to him for bearing them for so long, anyone can easily lose a deadly amount of brain cells just by trying to understand the logic in Khurram’s comments 🤪

By: Not a Robot.. Tue, 05 Jul 2022 11:56:52 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

i just wish i could see what exactly he wrote which got deleted, afaik he used such dirty words in past and always got away with it. is baar aysa kia bola hoga jo comment delete hua aur warning bhi mili? 😀

By: Mehdy Hassan Tue, 05 Jul 2022 09:49:46 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

iski misaal wohi hai “parh loonga to amal karna par jaiega” 😀

By: Ali Khan Tue, 05 Jul 2022 09:49:24 +0000 ]]> In reply to Khurram.

Poor Khurram!

People are always “misquoting you”. Even when they are clearly only copy/pasting what you yourself wrote!

Even your own words are misquoting you! How very unfair… 🤦‍♂️

By: Ali Khan Tue, 05 Jul 2022 09:46:38 +0000 ]]> In reply to Khurram.

What ‘Battery recycling problem’ has said in their comment is accurate. These batteries, used for decades now, only became a problem in EVs. Why?

I have again and again clarified with links to actual articles/news reports that many countries around the world are seriously investing in battery recycling, including very big companies in China. It is big business and very profitable. This sector is seeing, and will continue to see, massive growth in the coming years.

Khurram, I have debunked your standard doom and gloom conspiracies over and over again. But still you repeat them. Either you enjoy doing this on purpose while knowing it or you are just incapable of logical objective thinking/reasoning.

OR; you actually know something that we don’t. Ok, I’ll bite… Like I have said, we are here to discuss and share information and learn. Please share any authentic information that you have on what you claim. please help us “correct our ways”. 👍

By: Battery recycling problem? Tue, 05 Jul 2022 08:33:44 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Every government offers subsidy for adoption of new technology on the pretext that the new technology enables achievement of new national goals.
Companies receive tax credits for selling low-polluting equipment. In Pakistan too the government has reduced tax on renewable energy/alternate energy e.g. solar.

The hoax about recycling of EV batteries has been discussed by you so many times. EV battery for example Prius battery or Tesla battery is made of standard 16850 cells, the same cells used in laptop batteries. People have globally been consuming and throwing all kind of batteries: standard AA, AAA, Ni-Cd, lead-acid, alkaline, Li-Po batteries since ages to the detriment of the environment and you weren’t having a stomachache about it. Now that you don’t like EV, you have taken it upon yourself to launch propaganda against it.

Share your examples about what could have been “the good of the society as whole”. Which things are more good for the society than clean air & blue skies?

By: TruongNguyen Tue, 05 Jul 2022 08:18:20 +0000 🤣]]> In reply to Khurram.

Oh bhai….

BHAI USMAN’s blog is now as unjust and corrupt as Pakistani legal system just because he censored your insult filled, bad mouthed comment.

Wah! 🙆‍♂️🤣
