Comments on: BYD Destroyer 05: Newest Plug-In Hybrid Chinese Sedan with a Badass Name Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 04 Feb 2022 13:03:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Attachment? Fri, 04 Feb 2022 13:03:08 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

What attachment?
Attachment to material things and nonhuman corporations? Continually disrespecting humans?
Signs of qiyama!

This is business. In business there is no concept of attachment. Only concept is the value for money. Best product at cheapest price will prevail.

By: Mjay Thu, 03 Feb 2022 07:16:57 +0000 what a naming convention imagine suzuki mehran destroyer, toyota corolla destroyer hybrid, honda rs destroyer turbo, in the case the mehran gets destroyed by a sohrab cycle, buahahah matlab kuch bhee

By: Khurram Thu, 03 Feb 2022 04:42:24 +0000 In reply to ABID REHMAN.

Why would Corolla and Civic be busted out of Pakistani market? Both have an attachment and that attachment cannot be bought of by a cheap design of luxury brand or offering of features that are bound to make car’s repair difficult.

By: Khurram Thu, 03 Feb 2022 04:39:53 +0000 Firstly, Toyota Prius is the best in category, even Tesla is having a hard time beating it. This Chinese vehicle has no chance whatsoever. Secondly, I am surprised, people are writing at how Toyota is polluting the environment but are praising a Chinese hybrid.

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 02 Feb 2022 14:19:41 +0000 In reply to This is a cultural difference.


By: This is a cultural difference Wed, 02 Feb 2022 13:15:43 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Ok I got your point.
Maybe they want the public think of this destroyer as a the soft spoken white collar CEO destroyer rather than some brute hunk.

By the way the 驱逐舰 (qū zhú jiàn) means destroyer as in a kind of warship. And it makes some sense in relation of their overall theme which includes terms like Ocean, Marine Life, Warshp and Blue Whale engine series.
This car is the destroyer 5, maybe the destroyer 1, 2, 3 and 4 would be something you are expecting.

Blue Whale engine reminds me of the Blue Whale challenge hoax that surfaced on WhatsApp a few months ago.

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:37:46 +0000 The car has very elegant smooth lines and design language, as you would expect from an executive class car. An aggressive name suits an aggressive car, like something with sharp and strong lines, and a very mean look... something like a Subaru WRX STI or a Honda Civic Type R. An even better example, Ford named their SN95 special supercharged version of their Mustang "Terminator". And when you look at the stance and the body design of that car, you really do think of the Terminator! It's naming relative to design language. I look at this car and I think of elegance like that of Mercedes or Audi, and it shows. The design is mostly uniform, smooth and pleasant. Naming this car "Destroyer" is like naming the Hyundai Sonata "Skull Crusher". You get what I mean? The name "Destroyer" for a sedan is just, really bold. Perhaps a nice elegant name would've really suited this car.]]> In reply to This is a cultural difference.

I understand, but still, design wise the name really doesn’t suit the car 😅
The car has very elegant smooth lines and design language, as you would expect from an executive class car. An aggressive name suits an aggressive car, like something with sharp and strong lines, and a very mean look… something like a Subaru WRX STI or a Honda Civic Type R. An even better example, Ford named their SN95 special supercharged version of their Mustang “Terminator”. And when you look at the stance and the body design of that car, you really do think of the Terminator! It’s naming relative to design language.

I look at this car and I think of elegance like that of Mercedes or Audi, and it shows. The design is mostly uniform, smooth and pleasant. Naming this car “Destroyer” is like naming the Hyundai Sonata “Skull Crusher”. You get what I mean?

The name “Destroyer” for a sedan is just, really bold. Perhaps a nice elegant name would’ve really suited this car.

By: This is a cultural difference Wed, 02 Feb 2022 10:07:00 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

In China and other far-east, cuteness is revered. If you see the BMW has wolf-nostrils grill design, Dodge modeled theirs on Viper and Ram. Toyota designs their USDM vehicles to look aggressive, but sells pink Vitz in Japan. Chinese manufacturers model their cars on panda.

In China the transportation infrastructure is good. I mean really, really good, whether it is road transport, rail transport, air transport, sea transport or river transport. The number of SUVs won’t go up. If they need any ‘destroyer’, it is going to be an urban mobility tool: the sedan.

From another perspective, to be a destroyer, it doesn’t need to look big burly and dangerous. Something looking benign can also be a destroyer.
Nomenclature is very important. It defines the way you feel or perceive something. The way you wrote about a sports car or SUV (hidden internal preconceived biases), what if you began feeling the same way about a sedan?

By: Don't be over-excited please Wed, 02 Feb 2022 09:55:13 +0000 In reply to ABID REHMAN.

Where does this over-expectation come from?
There is some extremism going on in CSP comments. Some people are literally just one step far from worshipping Toyota, others are wanting killers for its products.

Recently many new incomers in Pakistan are doing fine in terms of sales but none of them have really challenged Corolla.
The main gripe with “local Japanese” is that they are selling feature-stripped and obsolete models at unjustifiable prices. It doesn’t mean they should be “killed”. Infact market competition is better for the society therefore “killing” is unwanted. Btter they all remain and competition remain fierce.

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 02 Feb 2022 09:01:37 +0000 Perhaps BYD should've reserved that name for a rugged SUV or even a sports coupe. Nevertheless, it's a really nice design. Very elegant design elements that comes in par with Hyundai's and Volkswagen's premium offerings.]]> Great car, but I don’t think the name suits it 😅 Perhaps BYD should’ve reserved that name for a rugged SUV or even a sports coupe.

Nevertheless, it’s a really nice design. Very elegant design elements that comes in par with Hyundai’s and Volkswagen’s premium offerings.
