Comments on: Car Lighters- Now a Thing of Past Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 21 Jan 2025 09:56:03 +0000 hourly 1 By: Final salvation still far Sat, 23 Dec 2023 18:09:29 +0000 Lighter coils are a thing of the past but interiors reeking of stale cigarette smell aren’t.
A number of addicts still in need of willpower and external help to enable him/her to finally leave this bad habit.

By: Remembrance of the victories against cigarettes Fri, 04 Aug 2023 07:11:16 +0000 In reply to tim driver.

Thank you for your first comment on this post. I had noticed the absence of cigarette lighter coil and ashtrays but the continued presence of electric socket, which nowadays usually occupied by the mobile charger. There can be a competition between which one is more addictive haha.

Here we must take a sober moment to remind ourselves of the decades-long global fight against the tobacco industry which came after so many throat allergies, lung cancers and overall foul-smelling surroundings due to stale cigarette odor.

In my childhood we would see 30-minute long(!) TV ads of John Player Gold Leaf on PTV and STN starring who else than James Bond himself. The whole concept of the ad was that JB is on his mission(s) and whenever he is stuck somewhere, he lights a cigarette and that is exactly what ultimately leads to success in his mission(s). Other attractive ads were of Marlboro, Capstan and a few others. Later on the ads were banned in TV, print and now no any ads of cigarettes can be seen on websites nor anywhere else.
Then the cigarette manufacturers were required to print disgusting and alarming looking images of mouth cancer and lung cancer on the box pack itself.

Pakistan is one of the big growers of tobacco and some tobacco factories are majorly listed on the stock exchange. Farmers owning the fertile lands along the mighty Abaseen river prefer to grow death-distributing tobacco instead of nutritional food crops.

Tobacco is a killer yet so many people are either addicted or actively sabotage-oriented. You can see soldiers of practically all countries smoking like railway engines. On the one hand the countries are proud of their soldiers who are supposedly mentally strong as well as physically strong. The smokescreen (no pun intended) of their mental strength is punctured when you realize they are unable or even unwilling to address their addiction to tobacco-derived-nicotine.

By: tim driver Thu, 03 Aug 2023 17:11:38 +0000 I remember finding those little compartments in my grandpa’s car! Just now learning what they were LOL.
