Comments on: Chinese EV Slays Tesla, Toyota & VW in Harsh Winter Test Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 04 Feb 2024 13:42:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: EVs will grow but not that much Sun, 04 Feb 2024 13:42:58 +0000 In reply to Junaid.

There’s some truth to it.
EVs won’t dominate the market share anytime soon but the market share will definitely increase.

Let me give you the example of my Chinese friends. Those of them have switched to EVs who need a towncar for daily office commute. EVs are more expensive than ICEVs but the convenience factor is what they pay for.
Those who need to go their hometown every weekend or any other form of medium-distance or long-distance running, still buy a new ICE each year.

There was a time when people said 2-stroke engines would die. 50 years after that, 2-strokes are still alive in mopeds, lawnmowers, chainsaws and heavy ship freight.

Hand cart hasn’t gone anywhere, rather it has taken the form of shopping trolley as supermarkets and hypermarkets have become bigger and bigger.
Animal carts are still relevant in rural areas in many countries of the world and including large metropolitan cities of Pakistan, Karachi Lahore and others. They must ban animal carts from metro urban areas but it doesn’t seem to occur to them.

So the use case changes. EVs are being successful in fixed-route intracity buses but intercity bussing is going to remain ICE for a long while.

All in all the only thing EVs are doing is:
1] Making hybrids irrelevant. Hybrids are totally irrelevant in long-distance running. In fact hybrids were made so that the ICE could turn off in bumper-to-bumper traffic while the battery could enable the car the car to “creep” without wasting any fuel plus keep the HVAC, lights & infotainment on.
2] Pushing ICEs from the densely populated areas to open highways.

EU had to comprise on Euro 7, some time down the line they will compromise on the EV deadline too.

But any company who wishes to stay relevant in the future will have to have a large roster of EVs in their lineup. Denial isn’t going to help anyone but EV-fetishists are doing nobody any favor by dwelling in their fantasy either. Both extremes of the spectrum would benefit from healthy doses of realism.

By: Junaid Sun, 04 Feb 2024 13:22:12 +0000 chinese have mastered the art of making evs, japanese should learn a thing or two. but they will keep living in denial mode and fool themselvs & their fans that evs won’t never dominate and ice is future

By: Let's talk about -40°C Sun, 04 Feb 2024 07:53:52 +0000 -2°C to -10°C is not a very low temperature.
Now -38°C is.

It is fairly easy to start an ICE engine in -10°C. Many degrees below that, ICE faces unique problems which could be eliminated by shifting to EVs, if the range reduction problem of EVs can be solved. Some of those problems are freezing radiator waters, freezing lube oils, thick gear oil etc.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 03 Feb 2024 21:28:12 +0000 Good for you HiPhi!

Quick Toyota! launch another concept and play pretend with your fanboys about what you can do in fantasy world!
