Comments on: CKD/ SKD Imports Hit Record $1.7 Billion in FY22 Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 26 Jul 2022 09:32:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Tue, 26 Jul 2022 09:32:41 +0000 🥳</span>]]> In reply to Khurram.

Bhai Usman is now Bhai Usman again!! 🎉🥳

By: Not a Robot.. Tue, 26 Jul 2022 09:24:10 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

what these illiterate people fail to realise that when it comes to importing even a 2% to 12.5% of the royalty can leave its burning mark on the total bill. 

what some illiterate people fail to realize is that localization of less than 50% with more than half of it imported from abroad leaves its burning mark on the import bill too

By: Ali Khan Tue, 26 Jul 2022 08:28:49 +0000 </span>]]> In reply to Khurram.

Are you stalking commenters who are on this blog? what is your proof to your claim that this commenter is “hereby increasing Kashmiri peoples misery by buying Indian made products”? Do you now claim you know peoples buying habits as well? That is just messed up!

PSO itself says it is the biggest importer of oils and lubricants in Pakistan. The only thing “local” about it is its name.

Bolan and Ravi are imported. why are you always ranting about them? Toyota, Honda Suzuki are all foreign products and pay royalties to their parent companies in japan.? why is that ok for you?

Your conspiracies are getting out of hand. But that is par for the course for someone like you I guess… 🤷‍♂️

By: Khurram Tue, 26 Jul 2022 05:27:34 +0000 Yes, Bhai Usman I agree the Swift comes with a very low ratio of local parts to imported parts, even the seats used in the vehicle are imported but what can one do when public tasting the product is not agreeable to using of locally made goods. My own cousin just put in his Swift imported seat covers even when locally made seat covers are available at a third price and are almost bearing similar quality levels. Although I realise that such local cover is made from imported machinery but it is using local raw material and local skills and is not throwing royalty costs as well, in simple words operational cost involved in making of local seat covers is much lower from economy’s point as compared to importing imported seat covers.
On the other hand, despite rising trade imbalance, we have regular commentators over here and on PakWheels Youtube channel who are telling the readers that import is import and reliance on local brand does not make a difference, what these illiterate people fail to realise that when it comes to importing even a 2% to 12.5% of the royalty can leave its burning mark on the total bill. I hope people realise their mistake and source imported goods from local brands such as the P.S.O. rather than go for flashy names such as Total or Shell and play their part in curtailing trade imbalance. The reason it is their duty to clap along with the government.

P.S. PakWheels is reporting that the government is allowing import of luxury items, including cigarettes’, after imposition of taxes. The move comes because the public is not ready to live a sustainable life and add their weight in reducing trade imbalance.

P.P.S. Pakistanis really are like elephants teeth, their appearance belies elephants mild nature, they like the country to grow but would rather prefer sitting and puffing in an arm chair like a bald old man who loves to brandish a stick oblivious to his own doings. The other day a regular commentator bad mouthed the West for sending freedom fighters into Ukraine but is unaware that he is actually supporting Indian economy and thereby increasing Kashmiri peoples misery by buying Indian made products.

By: Mehdy Hassan Mon, 25 Jul 2022 18:00:00 +0000 😡]]> local auto industry is a cancer, just see how much they spend to import only and then have the audacity to call their tincans LOCAL 😡😡
