Comments on: Are EVs Becoming a Replacement of ICE Cars Sooner Than Expected? Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:22:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mehdy Hassan Sun, 16 Jul 2023 20:22:12 +0000 Evs will replace ICE cars everywhere else, but Euro5 cars won’t replace Euro2 cars in Pakistan 😀

By: Possible impact on Pakistani market Thu, 13 Jul 2023 20:22:44 +0000 Initially I thought this article would be more like this one but it nearly entirely focuses on Thailand.

As soon as I read the 2nd, 3rd and 4th paragraphs about Chinese interest in Thailand and Thai interest in EVs, I began searching for these words: “…Japanese […] are on the verge of losing their market grip in Thailand…” and this means that in the medium run, Pakistani CKD assemblers will have to look elsewhere for there CKD and training. Since the Japanese companies are focusing more on India, from where the CKDs cannot be brought, it looks like the Japanese brands will be out of the market then. Then the field would be left open to the European, Korean and Chinese brands, all 3 don’t produce cars as good as Japan but neither are their business tactics as ruthless as the Japanese companies. The market would be turning to used orphaned JDMs (or the local assemblers would themselves begin selling reconditioned cars and lavishing praises of CBUs and used imports – hypocritically contrary to what they say now) as well as these other options. The Pakistani car market would finally be free of the clutches of Japanese brands after 40-45 years and finally breathe a sigh of relief, with the variety and mix that older generations had uptil the ’70s.
