Comments on: Four BYDs Among 2024 European Car of The Year Nominees Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 24 Nov 2023 19:49:30 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ahmed Ali Fri, 24 Nov 2023 19:49:30 +0000 and people still have doubt about Chinese cars

By: UsmanAnsari Fri, 24 Nov 2023 19:00:03 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

in total (out of 28 nominated) there are 7 Chinese cars, 5 Japanese, 5 German, 3 Korean, 1 Amercian & the rest of the 6 of different European automakers

By: Not a Robot.. Fri, 24 Nov 2023 09:23:14 +0000 now someone will come & say “its another attempt by TEAM CSP to glorify BYD” these european jury people who nominated 4 BYD cars don’t know anything about nosebleeds and those recalls which BYD never returned to original customers 🙂 😛

By: Ali Khan Fri, 24 Nov 2023 07:47:04 +0000 The nominees include 4 BYD cars, the highest number of models nominated for any automaker, followed by 3 Hondas and 2 each for Toyota, BMW, Mercedes, and Hyundai…”

If these Chinese cars are so bad, why do they keep getting this kind of recognition?

And I’m sure the haters will point out that “this is just a nomination”. I believe it doesn’t matter that much if they win. Even a simple nomination only, is a very good indication of their quality and what people think of these brands in those markets. Out of all the established brands available there, the newcomers BYD are the ones who got selected. And four nominations in one go! Well-established names like Toyota, Merc. and BMW only got two; even though they are legacy giants.

I came across this yesterday. A detailed look at the BYD Seal. This is a good example of the impression these cars are leaving on the people.
