Comments on: Geely Begins Test Runs of Methanol Vehicles in Denmark Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 03 Apr 2022 11:19:16 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Sun, 03 Apr 2022 11:19:16 +0000 ]]> In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Thank you Usman Bhai for this beautiful comment. However, despite all of your claims I still think that this is an European vehicle with European technology made by European hands (I love white people so much it’s unreal) simply because there are European people standing around that car in the images above, and not a single Chinese. Henceforth, it is my worthy and professional conclusion that this car is actually an European product shamelessly stolen by the uncouth corrupt Chinese.

May your health, wealth, length, breadth, width, height, weight, circumference, diameter and total area of mass all increase. 🤪

By: TruongNguyen Sun, 03 Apr 2022 11:15:10 +0000 🤣]]> In reply to Mehdy Hassan.

In conclusion, Bolan is the ultimate sheet metal wall holding us from progressing into a better society. Khurram single handedly is holding us all back 🤪🤣

By: Mehdy Hassan Sun, 03 Apr 2022 09:23:40 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

specific “commentator” on this blog should learn some manners from people of Denmark they have created something that so-called certain Pakistanis have never even tried practicing (as Pakistanis support 40 years old Bolan they still “assembles”). It is called building an ethically sound society; no wonder Denmark is considered one of the five safest places for children in this world (Safety for our children is compromised because most of Pakistani school children are forced to travel in Bolan which as no airbags and no crash safety, and we have Jap worshiping mor*ns to always support them). In contrast, Pakistan well, its number is second from last (because of Jap worshipers) and yet commentators cry why automobile sector is so backward (again because of Jap worshipers, who want us to always stick to obsolete)

By: UsmanAnsari Sun, 03 Apr 2022 06:40:52 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

this is basically the third-gen Geely Emgrand and designed entirely in China. Yes the looks are perhaps Euro-centric because this was primarily designed for export markets (been there since 2009). It has been Geely’s most successful products within China. Also it was China’s first car to get 4-star crash test rating by EuroNCAP in 2011/12

By: Khurram Sun, 03 Apr 2022 03:55:11 +0000 Oh good finally some real world test is being inflicted upon Chinese product now we shall see what is the true quality of the select Geely vehicles. On the other hand, I doubt that these specific vehicles were even designed in China they have a sweet and decent look of originality that is unique to European built processes and grown skills, they must have been designed in a European country.
On another note, specific commentators on this blog should learn some manners from people of Denmark they have created something that so-called certain Pakistanis have never even tried practising. It is called building an ethically sound society; no wonder Denmark is considered one of the five safest places for children in this world. In contrast, Pakistan well, its number is second from last and yet commentators cry why automobile sector is so backward.

By: TruongNguyen Sat, 02 Apr 2022 08:37:34 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

I think it’s also a great concept. The initial EVs offered after 2030 will mostly be expensive with the cheapest option presumably being around 25-30k USD. We could also sell these ICE vehicles with methanol fuel for much cheaper for those who cannot yet afford those new EVs but don’t want to be tolled/fined for heavy emissions. I think that is the very reason they are testing and working with this technology.

By: Not a Robot.. Sat, 02 Apr 2022 07:15:02 +0000 its interesting seeing these people thinking for their children & grandchildren but our so-called “shurfaa” think Bolan is irreplaceable
