Comments on: Geely Tests World’s First Methanol Hybrid Sedan in -40c Proving Grounds Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 23 Mar 2022 09:27:11 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Wed, 23 Mar 2022 09:27:11 +0000 In reply to History of E10 blend in Pakistan.

Thank you very much for that clarification!

By: History of E10 blend in Pakistan Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:47:11 +0000 In reply to Waqas.

I guess when he said fuel we are using is also a form of “Alcohol” with Ethanol additives…” it means ethanol-petrol blend.

The idea is old and this was made available a long time ago by PSO at select fuel stations &

E10 was available at some fuel stations around 15 years ago. They sought to increase the grade upto E85 but later on shelved E10 also without any press release. But some people think that E10 was originally targeted at motorcycles (same above link so the dispenser for motorcycles still had E10, but this theory is also 9-10 years old.

Alcohol available in Pakistan is usually the “denatured alcohol” which means a blend of 95% ethanol and 5% methanol. This I’m quoting from Methanol is poisonous hence this blend cannot be used as beverage. Alcohol is of other types also which propanol, butanol, pentanol and so on, but ethanol is the one which is used as haraam beverage and its use as beverage is illegal in Pakistan.
Why do you think ethanol is not available in Pakistan? It is used extensively in the medical sector as a disinfectant and wound-cleaner. The solvent for homeopathic medicines is also ethanol.
Pakistan is an exporter of medical supplies, including ethanol

Pakistan is a large producer of sugar and as someone else said here, the sugar mill has lots of fumes of ethanol and easy to get intoxicated just by breathing there unless you’re used to it.

That said, fuel ethanol (gasoline and ethanol blend or even E100 which is 100% ethanol) has different burning and storage characteristics than methanol. A similar example is that diesel and petrol also have different characteristics and diesel cannot be used in petrol engine and vice versa.

By: TruongNguyen Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:42:57 +0000 That doesn't help either. Euro 2 isn't any newer than regular Ethanol fuel, in fact I believe it's older(?) than even the first gen Ethanol fuel. With Ethanol, the least we could do is make our own alterative fuel that is somewhat better than what we are using. And we don't have to cut off forests for that, lol. We have more than enough land good for agriculture that are barely getting used to their full potential. With the right incentives and subsidiaries, we can actually make this fuel so it's beneficial and profitable in an economic and environmental manner. About the efficiency and emissions, I will admit, I don't know much about it because there isn't a lot of solid claims about it's emissions compared to regular gas, so I cannot really say anything about it. But however, I do know that Ethanol releases less carbon content compared to regular gas and way less nitrogen content compared to hydrogen gas when combusted, so that's that!]]> In reply to Waqas.

I understand, but we are still behind with regular fuel as well 😕 That doesn’t help either. Euro 2 isn’t any newer than regular Ethanol fuel, in fact I believe it’s older(?) than even the first gen Ethanol fuel. With Ethanol, the least we could do is make our own alterative fuel that is somewhat better than what we are using. And we don’t have to cut off forests for that, lol. We have more than enough land good for agriculture that are barely getting used to their full potential. With the right incentives and subsidiaries, we can actually make this fuel so it’s beneficial and profitable in an economic and environmental manner.

About the efficiency and emissions, I will admit, I don’t know much about it because there isn’t a lot of solid claims about it’s emissions compared to regular gas, so I cannot really say anything about it. But however, I do know that Ethanol releases less carbon content compared to regular gas and way less nitrogen content compared to hydrogen gas when combusted, so that’s that!

By: Ali Khan Tue, 22 Mar 2022 14:36:17 +0000 Do something about it and at the same time improve the pollution situation in the country instead of just hawai fire. 😂]]> In reply to TruongNguyen.

Exactly. The bureaucracy is always screaming self sufficiency. Well, here istheir chance… 👍 Do something about it and at the same time improve the pollution situation in the country instead of just hawai fire. 😂

By: Waqas Tue, 22 Mar 2022 11:55:06 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

For Pakistan it will be impossible to use ethanol, if i remember well in 2019 the PM imran Khan asked to the governor of Punjab to stop urban spreading, and start building high residency to preserve our agriculture surfaces, Pakistan already lost almost all his forest area, the Billion three Tsunami should give you a good reality check.
Today in Europe they are developing the 3rd generation of ethanol fuel, i didn’t want to mention it, but you didn’t seem to know about it, ethanol is not as good as you think, ethanol got his whole part of problems.
And since is the 3rd generation i let you guess how behind is Pakistan about this fuel development and your comment unfortunetely is reflecting that situation.
I hope it’s help.

By: Khurram Tue, 22 Mar 2022 11:37:57 +0000 In reply to Waqas.

Jazak Allah o khairan, noted, I shall avoid the use of word wealth in the future.

By: TruongNguyen Tue, 22 Mar 2022 11:09:24 +0000 In reply to Waqas.

Thank you for your comment Waqas bhai, but in the meantime while we are slowly going towards EV infrastructure, we should slowly start using Ethanol as an alternative fuel which is readily available and easily useable instead of adopting a whole another fuel and wasting billions of dollars to ultimately make a vehicle that is only gonna be expensive to afford thanks to the amount of material used for reliably storing and using hydrogen. It makes more sense to use Ethanol (something that is already readily available even in the poorest third world countries) than to adopt Hydrogen which takes millions to produce, as a Gasoline alternative. That’s all I’m trying to say!

By: Waqas Tue, 22 Mar 2022 10:28:44 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

We don’t have to wait for the Jap, here i’am not defending any technologies, but i hope our Pakistani engineers will come with a good solution or alternatives.
For the rest of my point of view i replied to TruongNguyen, , if you are interested, you will find my opinion about your comments.

By: Waqas Tue, 22 Mar 2022 10:24:19 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

I didn’t watched videos but studied hydrocarbone and environmental problems in University.
Developing strong engine and tank to stock hydrogen is an old technology already mastered, the main problem with hydrogen is the production, we are using either Methane, than generate pollution, or water electrolysis but it requires a lot of energy, i’am not gonna explain more it will be very long…
The other concern is security because only a little spark and hydrogen burn.
For ethanol and methanol the main issu it is requiring land surfaces to grow the necessary amount of vegetation to be use for those fuel, but it’s mean sacrifying the agriculture surface, and according to the IPCC we will lose surface because of global warming.
I personaly don’t believe in Global warming, but here not the subject.
Anyway as a feasible alternative to Gasoline i got no idea, just for someone who want to be more environmentaly friendly just go for classic hybrid.
Me i will keep my 100% thermic engine car.
People are free to chose the solution that will fullfill their needs.

By: Waqas Tue, 22 Mar 2022 10:06:38 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Djazak Allah Khayran for your duas, but don’t do dua to Allah to increase my wealth please.
It is disrespectful to ask Allah wealth, of course we can ask Allah to protect us from poverty, and the prophet (SAW) teach us to recite surat al Wakyah everyday to be protected against poverty.
