Comments on: Influx of Imported Phones Never Bother Local Mobile Phone Makers, Why Auto Assemblers Feel the Heat? Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 15 Dec 2022 13:45:13 +0000 hourly 1 By: Pakistan now exporting mobile phones Thu, 15 Dec 2022 13:45:13 +0000 Now Pakistan has also become an exporter of mobile phones:

December 14, 2022

This company is in connexion with Sony, Huawei, LG and Honor, but it isn’t specified in the press release which brand or model is the one being exported in 120,000 quantity.
When private parties can do it, wonder why they don’t re-energized the Telephone Industries of Pakistan Haripur Hazara (TIP).

By: Local assembled phones always increasing in price Fri, 12 Aug 2022 14:49:31 +0000 Local assembling of phones is now showing the Pakistani colors.

Samsung A13 was launched at 33,600 (128GB) in April 2022. Then somewhere around June its price was increased to 38,500. Now (Aug 2022) that the US$ has fallen from 256 to 214, the A13 has climbed to 43,100.
Check Samsung’s official store here

So … the more obsolete it becomes, the more expensive it becomes … without any new features or upgrades to boast of. This would have never happened if it was being imported. Usually they are expensive at launch and quickly become cheaper – even with the increasing exchange rate.

By: TruongNguyen Fri, 06 May 2022 12:43:32 +0000 ]]> In reply to Some questions from your answer.

I am surprised how his comment has been approved. Nothing related to the article has even been discussed. All he’s doing is writing his personal agenda, which you have very frankly disproven. 😒

By: Some questions from your answer Fri, 06 May 2022 07:11:34 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Mobile phone is a basic need, the vehicle is not
and i thought its vice versa, transportation is a basic need, no?

zero innovation is required behind making budget phones hence such industries need lesser investment, education and continuous development of education. 
what sort of innovation you see in Bolan and Ravi in a span of 40 years & more?

Which phone is fully manufactured in Pakistan? Does not our import bill contains selfie cameras, panels, batteries, motherboards required for making phones?
Which car is fully manufactured in Pakistan? Does not our import bill contain transmissions, suspensions, engines, airbag assemblies, etc required to making cars? and what about car accessorizing? aren’t all these import too?

By: Khurram Fri, 06 May 2022 05:39:51 +0000 Bhai Usman, how can a vehicle making industry be compared with mobile phone? Mobile phone is a basic need, the vehicle is not, even the users demands from a basic phone remain same, what an average user wants from a phone? Calling and texting and do they need to be better than they are now? In other words, zero innovation is required behind making budget phones hence such industries need lesser investment, education and continuous development of education. In contrast, even the basic vehicles have higher number of technical parts and these need to be innovated in response to consumers changing tastes toward car ownership.
There is another factor that is impacting the two industries differently. The parts imported by mobile phone assemblers do not cost as much as parts for vehicles do because not only they are smaller in size and so cost less to make but also they do not bear as much tax rates. That is why ownership cost of budget phones in Pakistan has more or less stayed the same in last seven years. I bought a mid-grade Samsung in 2014 for PKR 20,000 and even today one can be sourced for around 21,000 or even less.

P.S. Which phone is fully manufactured in Pakistan? Does not our import bill contains selfie cameras, panels, batteries, motherboards required for making phones?

By: TruongNguyen Sun, 24 Apr 2022 13:15:25 +0000 In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Sahi baat hai! These JDMs were the most desirable ones, everyone I knew was considering one when imports were open thanks to it’s cheap price and huge fuel savings.

By: Ali Khan Sun, 24 Apr 2022 06:44:37 +0000 Hats off Usman Bhai. Excellent article with a very pertinent and potent point.

Your last pera has the best argument. If the auto mafia is now touting the point that Pakistan has a “free market” and that is reason enough for the government not to hold them responsible or interfere in their business then that free market also gives the right to importers to import used JDM to their hearts content. Why are they interfering in that process and stopping it? They have no right.
They just want to have their cake and eat it too. Control the market without any accountability. I hope some one in our government sees this and has the honesty and balls enough to actually do something about it.

Pakistan say muhabbat chekhtay ho. Now prove it!

By: PAMA, PAAPAM and PMPMA Sun, 24 Apr 2022 04:42:19 +0000 Pakistan Mobile Phone Manufacturers[sic] Association (PMPMA) does exist. They have been mentioned in news article but cannot find any website or street address in an internet search.

Another interesting info: the PAAPAM participants are also in the mobile phone assembling industry:

The government spent a long time developing the PTA DIRBS (Device Identification Registration and Blocking System) before announcing the Mobile Device Manufacturing Policy (MDMP)/Mobile Device Manufacturing (MDM) Regulations, 2021.

It is true that PMPMA has not been really vocal about the new mobile imports or used mobile imports (usually called “kit” in the market), it is also true that the government has effectively reduced the “free-ness” of the market before introducing the local assembling of mobile phones. If you have dealt with the DIRBS, you may already know that the custom duty randomly changes and suspectedly is some of the times subject to the whims and wishes of the valuator who sees your application. This makes people buying phones which are not assembled in Pakistan very confused, e.g. Apple, if you have a Mac desktop or MacBook laptop and you want to continue your iOS interface experience, iCloud experience or simply want to utilize the sync capability across devices, you are in for random struggles to get your iPhone working.

By: UsmanAnsari Sun, 24 Apr 2022 02:21:50 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

every time i look out for a nice looking picture of JDM in Pakistan, the most desirable ones are of Aqua 🙂

By: TruongNguyen Sat, 23 Apr 2022 22:23:50 +0000 Did PAMA steal your dream away of reasonably owning one without breaking the bank? 😆🤐]]> BTW Admin… I noticed that you usually attach an image of a Toyota Aqua every time you make an article about used JDM imports. Is it your dream car? 😛 Did PAMA steal your dream away of reasonably owning one without breaking the bank? 😆🤐
