Comments on: Only 76 Units of Proton Saga Sold in Malaysia in January 2022 Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Fri, 18 Feb 2022 11:04:43 +0000 hourly 1 By: Silent Soul Fri, 18 Feb 2022 11:04:43 +0000 just a bad car launched by a bad bad group.

By: TruongNguyen Thu, 10 Feb 2022 15:46:08 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

Just to point out; Al Haj was really lucky to get a massive head start in publicity and public knowledge by literally being promoted in Pakistan by the Prime Minister Imran Khan AND the Prime Minister of Malaysia Mahatir Mohammad. You’ve got two PRIME MINISTERS promoting YOUR product in the country and you STILL screw it up.

They got all this nationalistic publicity boost and they STILL managed to tank it. What a shame

By: Ali Khan Thu, 10 Feb 2022 13:58:42 +0000 In reply to HAMXA.

Very true.

To me, proton does not seem the right choice of company to bring to Pakistan in the first place if all they are willing to do is sell us rebadged cars from an other brand.

However, on top of that, like you said, Al-Haj’s mismanagement seems to be making things worse. This will cost them their market presence.

By: HAMXA Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:40:44 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

just imagine if it was Proton-Nishat or Proton-Lucky or Master-Proton, things would have been so good for Proton. Al-Haj sux

By: Ali Khan Thu, 10 Feb 2022 11:36:29 +0000 I don’t understand the choice of brining proton Pakistan.

The only car developed by Proton we have here is the Saga.

Other than that the X-70 and the upcoming X-50 SUVs are both from Geely. That makes these “Proton” SUVs expensive. Proton gets these form Geely then rebadges them and sells them to us under the Proton name. That is adding costs. The cost we are paying for the X-70 (and soon for the X-50 as well) is inclusive of profit margins to both Geely and proton. Why not just get Geely here instead?

That would have given us a lot more options. Not only would we be getting the X-70 and X-50 directly from Geely (X-70 = Geely Boyue and X-50 = Geely Binyue or the Geely Coolray in other markets), we will get them at lower costs most probably too.

Geely also has the Geely Jiaji which will be rebadged by Proton as their next gen Exora. It is a seven seater MPV just like the Honda BR-V. It is priced from $16,000 to about $20,000 USD in the Chinese market. If Geely was here instead we could have had the Jiaji and in the same price bracket as the BR-V and with better options. If Proton brings it here as the rebadged Exora, you can bet it will be much more expensive that it should be.

On top of that Geely in collaboration with Volvo has the Lynk&Co. line of luxury and performance cars and SUVs. We could have had that here as a high-end option from Geely.

And the best, Geely has their own line of EVs. Geely’s Geometry line of EV cars and SUVs are really good and value for money, especially the Geometry sedan.

Instead of buying rebadged expensive vehicles from proton, the better option would have been to cut out the middle man and go straight to the source. Get Geely and be done with it. Their product portfolio gives us a lot of better options.

By: Xulfi Tue, 08 Feb 2022 14:37:08 +0000 means further delays in deliveries in Pakistan.. byebye Proton you won’t even be missed

By: Waqas Tue, 08 Feb 2022 09:59:31 +0000 I was expecting this new about flooding a month ago, they were flooded in the area of the manufacturing plant.
Anyway it is true Proton sales a rising, just around 2 weeks ago Proton X-50 was spotted in India, yes in our neighbor land. Maybe they will go in India too (is a huge and important Market to cover).
Proton is already available in Bangladesh and Nepal, Almost all the Indian subcontinent is covered.
This 2022 year will also be the come back in Thailand and Indonesia for Proton.
Proton is rising.
I Hope al Haj will show how good is Pakistan Market with quick deliveries and satisfied customers.
