Comments on: Road Isn’t Going to be Easy for Local Assemblers Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Tue, 18 Apr 2023 06:33:10 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Sun, 02 Oct 2022 07:43:01 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

From what I’ve noticed, these policy makers always make very short sighted decisions. Increasing taxes to lower the import bill, closing off imports completely in hopes to lower the import bill, etc. It’s like they’re throwing darts, seeing where it lands and hoping it works out. If they even think harder for once, and make decisions like introducing newer tech bikes to reduce carbon footprint and fuel spending, introducing small electric cars and rickshaws, we wouldn’t have to beg other countries for cheaper fuel.

By: Ali Khan Sun, 02 Oct 2022 04:35:50 +0000 I just cannot feel sorry for these people. They did this to themselves. If, in their massive levels of greed, they had not over blown the used car import issue and over blown the value of the auto sector and its costs, giving the politicians reasons to politicize this, we would not be here now.

There are many other areas where costs could have been saved BECAUSE of car imports. For example, the allowance of import of small 600cc cars and Small EVs like the Woling Mini EV from China and others. If they were available at very low costs in the market and people were able to afford them, imagine the fuel savings we would get. Our fuel bill, the biggest contributor to our import bill by far, would go down. EVs are very successful in other nations, Why not here? EV charging infrastructure is fast spreading in other nations. Its been a few years since our EV policy. Why are we so behind everyone else? Three guesses for who has a hand in it?! These same guys also neutered the EV policy in the first place.

But since these guys control the government policies and their greed would not allow any competition even in areas of small cars or EVs which they don’t even offer! we the people are the ones to suffer.

Their greed, our misery. What is happening to them, I hope it only increases.

By: Mehdy Hassan Fri, 30 Sep 2022 15:41:12 +0000 they better pack up & leave, instead of spending $1.7 billion just to import ckd parts, we can import high quality used cars ourselves which will be less costly & much better than the local assembled $hit
