Comments on: Should Nissan Sunny Stage a Comeback? Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Thu, 14 Nov 2024 15:59:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Atricle about Pulsar on November 27, 2022 Fri, 02 Dec 2022 17:46:06 +0000 In reply to Pulsar?.

Remembering Nissan Pulsar Hatchback from the 1980s
November 27, 2022

By: Ayaz Ali Laghari Sun, 24 Jul 2022 05:49:03 +0000 Today most of the people in Pakistan don’t know that Nissan has the best suspension, handling and smooth running on road in comparison to Toyota, Honda and Suzuki. This car provides more luxury travel than all other cars of same lines. Once one have driven Nissan, s/he becomes addicted to it. But unfortunately, it is now not available in Pakistan. I wish Nissan could return to Pakistan as we can make our journeys luxury and comfortable.

By: Pulsar? Tue, 06 Jul 2021 18:26:07 +0000 Do you think an article on Nissan Pulsar would be justified? Pulsar N12 was slightly popular back in the ’80s early ’90s, though less than that of Sunny B11.

Nissan used their nameplates interchangeably, such as the later N16 which was marketed as Sunny in Pakistan was marketed as Pulsar in some other markets and as Bluebird Sylphy in yet some others.

And how about an article on arrival & level of acceptance of successive generations of Nissan Patrol in Pakistani society?

By: B14 or B16? Mon, 05 Jul 2021 02:58:57 +0000 Nissan Sunny B16 from the late 90s“?

Shouldn’t it be B14 in the caption?

Some of the reasons of B14’s market failure were breaking the expectations of the customers. People who went to Nissan usually went for something extra, however Nissan switched to rear solid axle setup in B14 whereas B13 had an independent rear suspension. B14 also had a donkey-colored grey interior whereas at that time there was lots of choice! Most B13’s had come with brown or maroon(!) interior which was very regal and luxurious in its appearance.

But the most main issue was the heatup problem in the GA-series engines. The engines were excellent engines with no design defect, however (just like some Merc engines) some part of the hose pipe was above the level of the radiator cap, it was impossible to bleed the air from the cooling system just by maintaining 1500 RPM with the cap open. There was a bleeder nut at the highest point from which proper bleeding needed to be done every time there was some maintenance in the radiator system. A lot of people did not know this due to not reading the owner’s manual and the uneducated mechanics in the market did not know any better neither did Gandhara make any attempt to educate the masses about their product. Hence the B14 was discarded by the society as a whole and despite the later N16 coming with QG-series engines, the Sunny nameplate had gotten enough “badnaami” that it never truly picked up again.

Some people imported the B15 (JDM) on their own, some examples used to be on the streets but due to unavailability of spare parts, these specimen can be seldom seen anymore.

By: Problem update Mon, 05 Jul 2021 02:38:34 +0000 In reply to UsmanAnsari.

Yes it is better now, tried checking the comments on many articles..
Thank you for resolving within 24 hrs.

By: UsmanAnsari Mon, 05 Jul 2021 01:46:24 +0000 In reply to Problem :'(.

there was a glitch with the cache system and it should work now.. let us know if you still face this problem

By: Problem :'( Sun, 04 Jul 2021 10:57:23 +0000 No matter which browser I open this column in, it won’t show the comments. There is a heading “5 COMMENTS” but an empty space below it and then it shows the “Tags:” title.
Tried chrome, firefox and edge at different locations and different configs.
Same issue with the column on Suzuki FX. These are the 2 columns which got most comments. The other columns’ comments are shown.
Is this a problem in the server? If it cannot be solved, I’d ask the author to copy the comments over to the column itself and say something like “Our readers’ comments:”…

By: Uzair Alvi Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:03:35 +0000 In reply to Those days.

Absolutely right. Those were the good days we had lancer, galant, accord mazda 323, sprinter, charmant, sunny and many other cars

By: Uzair Alvi Thu, 01 Jul 2021 10:01:28 +0000 Nissan sunny is a nice car but ghandhara sux

By: Aun Abbas Thu, 01 Jul 2021 08:36:12 +0000 Ghandhara has history of ruining Nissan. highly inefficient, incompetent, inept and dumb people.
