Comments on: Toyota was the Most Searched Car Brand in 2021 Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 10 Jan 2022 16:09:57 +0000 hourly 1 By: What were they searching? Mon, 10 Jan 2022 16:09:57 +0000 What were they specifically searching for? is the apt question. Were they looking for issues, fixes, new models, features, upgrades, sellers, dealerships, customization, what?

North America’s bestsellers are GMC and Toyota so the people searching for lots of Fords, were they looking for fixes to their problems? In the US lots of people searched for Ford’s new models, electric versions and nostalgic products like Bronco.

Lots of people searched for suzuki in Pakistan but what were the searches about? Check it here it turns out most of the time people are just looking for up-to-date price list, which just shows customer confusion in other words they don’t stick to their prices. In Pakistan the top 25 search terms also includes Hayabusa. What can be inferred from it?

PS the referenced article is worth reading. They give a lot more detail on how the study was conducted and their own inferences from the data.

About China: Most of the Google traffic from China comes from VPN. It means that data of small countries where many of the popular VPNs are hosted may have overarching influence of Chinese origin searches. In fact maybe the countries own true searches are less than 1%, given the ratio of population. And it also means that any data about (mainland) China will appear scattered over the world, not from China. The traffic from China is apparently something else.

By: Imtiyaz Shaykh Mon, 10 Jan 2022 13:53:45 +0000 Toyota is always number one

By: Not a Robot.. Mon, 10 Jan 2022 10:52:11 +0000 ]]> In reply to Khurram.

o bhai the article talks about only most searched, they are not mentioning the 2nd or 3rd most searched. it doesnt mean noboday search for these cars & same go for chinese. they are much popular than u think they are. just come out of ur shell.

besides if Pakistan is shown in pink which is because of SUzuki, then aap Toyota ki fatiha parh lo..

kon log hain ye yar 🤦‍♂️

By: Khurram Mon, 10 Jan 2022 04:38:18 +0000 A very concise and yet well worded and supported article. I agree, Toyota have been efficiently managing its resources and working on many fronts and that is what make it a point of interest for educators and students as well as brand managers and industry observers.
I must also say that this report is interesting, because per the comments, by three people, on this blog, Chinese car brands have been outselling the Japanese and American car brands in the Middle East and Australia and Africa and yet here is the research telling us that the Chinese themselves have been searching for the American brand. Well, in my view, this article is showing that you need a tougher mechanism for stopping spam comments Bhai Usman because seemingly the current one is not filtering out postage of unsupported content. Surprisingly, the study is also showing the level of application of theory that the certain section of the educated Pakistanis command and yet they keep on wondering why the auto sector of Pakistan is so backward in their every single comment. Maybe this article is going to show these three people why.

P.S. I guess I was wrong about Toyota being number one in Pakistan because Pakistan is represented by pink and that means you Suzuki, you were right bhai Usman it is number one. I am sorry for negating out your facts.

By: Abbas Sun, 09 Jan 2022 09:34:22 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

coz suzuki is a beemari and people search for it

By: Not a Robot.. Sun, 09 Jan 2022 09:25:33 +0000 lol Pakistan in the above map is all pink,, which is SUZUKI 😀
