Comments on: 2022: Toyota Sales in Pakistan Spearheaded by Corolla Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 23 Jul 2022 04:34:38 +0000 hourly 1 By: TruongNguyen Wed, 18 May 2022 07:59:17 +0000 In reply to سچاسودا.

I understand, but then, it becomes a problem. Remember cars like Bolan and Mehran which were completely fine and welcome when they were launched back in their ages (1979 and 1989) since they had the exact same technology and design as the other cars of that age. It did not feel out of place at that time. But fast forward a couple of decades and you realize how completely out of place a 2016 model Mehran looks compared to a 2016 model Daihatsu Mira.

It’s about moving with the times. If you keep offering the same things you offered in your line up since 2013 even in 2022 (heck, even 2030 if they want to) then people are less likely to go for your product when they can go for something newer in the market instead.

By: سچاسودا Wed, 18 May 2022 05:27:51 +0000 In reply to Sohail Sheikh.

Its company decisions when to retire a car. It is little rude to call fools to consumers when a product proved it self suitable and love by consumers.

By: Sohail Sheikh Wed, 18 May 2022 05:03:44 +0000 indus can continue it for another 20 years as long as fools are in queue to buy this retired car

By: Khurram Wed, 18 May 2022 04:34:49 +0000 The image of beige coloured Corolla with its lights ablaze is looking sharp, decent, and compact crossover, which is ready to sail over road imperfections. Anyway, without a doubt and regardless of the competition, the Corolla is lot better from Civic and Elantra, both of which are not as durable, easy to maintain or decent to look at as Corolla is. The new M.M.C. in particular is being praised for its sporty look and users are loving the totally black interior, which remains cool because A.C. of the vehicle is very good.
On the other hand, that front bumper on the Yaris looks similar to a large moustache and people hate such moustaches they make a person look ugly. In addition, there is a pricing factor, being smaller than Corolla, people are expecting it to be placed in a smaller price bracket, with its current one, and it is falling within the circle of 1.6L Corolla. I believe that if the prices of the vehicle are lowered, it may do well a bit than it is doing now.
