Comments on: Zimbabwe to Start Making Own Cars Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Wed, 19 Oct 2022 18:11:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Wed, 19 Oct 2022 18:11:34 +0000 </span>]]> Zimbabwe is doing what Pakistan did (read: tried fruitlessly) over three decades ago. Establish local assembly that will lead to local manufacture. Even after thirty years, Pakistan Still has not seen any value addition from them. Rather all local assemblers have become a grave pressure on our economy.

Zimbabwe is also now looking into lithium. Pakistan also has lithium reserves.

Ismail Suttar further states that Pakistan has the capacity to produce 1-3 million tons of lithium per annum currently priced at 10,000-12,000 USD per ton. This is where EFP along with an understanding with the Salt Manufacturers Association of Pakistan plays its pivotal role in carrying out initial pilot study on lithium from Lake Brine which is underway at the moment at a couple of sites.”

The real difference is, Zimbabwe will make its auto sector work; where as our leaders have totally taken it non seriously and have squandered it. The same will be the story for lithium. Where Zimbabwe is looking to mine it and expand it by actually looking into to localized battery production for value addition, I don’t believe Pakistan even HAS any plan to even mining the damn thing! 🤦‍♂️

By: TruongNguyen Wed, 19 Oct 2022 07:16:01 +0000 </span>]]> In reply to Careful whom to hire.

Someone should send them a fully detailed letter explaining all the laws and incentives they should make so that they can completely ensure that actual manufacturing takes place instead of just assembling, so that they don’t end up like us 😒

By: Careful whom to hire Wed, 19 Oct 2022 06:48:22 +0000 If they hire some people from Pakistani automotive sector, chances are that the whole nation will be hostage.
In other scenario, they could learn from Vietnam which has quickly become an auto manufacturer and exporter.

Zimbabwe has had a rough economic history with hyperinflation, dictatorship, corruption and what-not. If they can do cars, what is the reason that Pakistan can’t?
