Comments on: Changan Showing its Muscles with 100,000km Endurance Test in Philippines Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 03 Oct 2021 12:59:37 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Sun, 03 Oct 2021 12:59:37 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Thank you bro. No trouble. It’s just that I had this strange notion of getting him to engage and see the other side. He keeps on believing him own reality completely ignoring everything else no matter the facts. My bad. I made the mistake of actually thinking he might enjoy the added info. See how things have changed. He might enjoy leaving his shell. But he again dragged me into his wild arguments.
My apologies. And my apologies to Usman Bhai for this taking place on this sites comments section. My bad. Now that I know what I’m truly dealing with here. This will not happen again.
A pleasure as always talking to you my friend.

By: TruongNguyen Sun, 03 Oct 2021 11:04:38 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

Thank you Ali! I only wanted to question his meaningless hatred for most things Chinese but I should’ve been careful knowing who I’m talking to. I’m pretty sure his antics are the reason Pakwheels decided to revamp their entire comment section. Whoops, should’ve known.

Thank you again and sorry for any trouble!

By: Khurram Sun, 03 Oct 2021 03:49:22 +0000 Bhai Usman Jazak Allah for acting patiently through all this meaningless debate, and please note I revere you, not because you have excellent knowledge but because you always make other feel respected, you do not mince words, use iced over style and stress your view, you engage and then proof why it is better than other man and even acknowledge positive points given by the person lesser than you. This quality of yours is the reason that you have admiration of so many businesses and individuals in the local industry, may your health, wealth and eman increase forever.

By: Khurram Sun, 03 Oct 2021 03:43:55 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

Alright, let’s say I am an idiot, I said something about Xli that was based on ownership experience as well, does that count for nothing? And does not your responding to me makes you one? Besides, you say you experienced Mehran, it went bad, your assumptions about Mehran are based on that treatment from you, should we then believe those words just because you can ice your sentences and produce half-baked articles. There literally are millions of Mehran users out there to negate your experience about the vehicle and you say we should listen to you.
You claim you do not bad mouth other people but you still won’t believe something that those people observed? Is it not arrogance? Is it not worse then calling them names? We should hate a Mehran because you hate it but someone should not think that a Xli cannot react to person wearing a seat belt because you have not suffered the change in its fuel economy. I think every unbiased reader here can say who has a belief about superiority over other being.

I really agree that you are a sucker but a pro, don’t make me laugh. Next to people writing on Pak Wheels you are an armature who cannot even be graded if placed next to Bhai Usman. For reference, you bring in an unrelated discussion? I agree I used those words but what type of language did you use in return? Were you clean and silent? Did you then ignore what I said? I remember clearly you told me I have mental disorders, you called me several other words that I cannot repeat because I have learned since then that bad mouthing people equals to doing zina 36 times with your mother. If I see things my way, you do so as well and so does this other gentleman. You fail to realise that something you say can be wrong and incorrect as well.

As my answer to you about reviews on Changan, are you to proud and hasty to read even the whole comment? Arrogance cannot define you so well, I believe the word inconsiderate would. I already told you that I would go by those four reviews, just re-read my former comment with open eyes this time. It is such eyes that make you such a lamentable author and yet you say that you keep things impersonal and within line. Wow, you just made me sound a munafiq, here is the excerpt about your Changan related question
“So those mechanical problems to you are still not an evidence about car having problems? Well to me they are and I would count them as negative points. Besides, if those aren’t evidence then your word about Mehran should be shaken off as well since it too is being given good reviews by several people.”

As for your famous Muslim, well okay I have wasted myself but so have you my dear, you have learned nothing from our past and wanted to go and play the hero and try and command my thoughts. Were you ethical at initiating a tug of war with me? Can you even be called an ethical person? Why wouldn’t you let other people be? You even posted Assalam alaikum and question on another article, you did not thought then that I am partial, why provoke? Who has given you that authority? How can you not expect a person to take a careful tread when you want to play it dangerously? You aren’t the only one who has knowledge or experience about using cars and determining the best. Besides, what do you call a person who tries to help unasked? I did not ask you anything, Bhai Usman responded and I ended the debate, what you and that TruongNguyen guy did cannot be termed as decency. Yet you wonder our leaders should support other Pakistanis? You can’t let other people be, so in my view your expectations from our brothers with power is naivety.

You also play a know it all and claim that I am angry, I think your ignorance to what I have been writing, bringing in our past discussion and not telling what you did in response to my past actions is equal to a child telling elders that Khurram is at fault. I think that it is not I but you who is angry that I am able to think deeply and avoid investing into something that you want to survive but are also not taking a big risk. Otherwise why would you be using a J.D.M. now, I recall you claimed you were looking for some Toyota J.D.M. Well, why don’t you just go for C.H.D.M. instead of J.D.M., I am pretty sure that you have non-resident Pakistani friends, in their presence it won’t be too difficult for you to source several Chinese vehicles and use them and even sell them over here. Then perhaps you would learn what a cost to profit ratio really is and you would act sensibly in the future.

You say we have talent, well, then don’t you just recruit those people and open-up your own car company? I think you should do that that would teach you that doing a business is not easy, not in just Pakistan but globally as well, a lot of things come into consideration but what would you know, you just confine your research to Youtube or Wikipedia. By the way, do you know that this source is considered illegal by universities and teachers fail a student if they cite it as a reference. In order to remind me about the talent our country has, you bring Adam Revo into fray, did you buy it? Why not? Did you think that the leaders alone can change our country, you as a public has no responsibility? What number of public actually supported that car? What was the percentage of inclusion of local resources in it? The answer is negligible so don’t blame the leaders, blame yourself, you should have rallied the people toward the car then, what you contributed in support of the car. Do you think that merely re-living the past is the way of successful Muslim? I don’t know about things in Punjab but in Karachi the Adam Revo couldn’t sell, even though it was priced below Mehran, it never stirred the buyers.
As for talent that you say you have, should I remind the quality of work displayed in Adam Revo? So if you are so talented and better, then our current leaders, kindly take the charge and lead the country or at-least dare to use Adam Revo or other local products. If none of this can be done by you, then accept the reality and more importantly try and change your dealings with other people for the starters.
P.S. This response to you is my last, I have seen enough of you to know that it is not worth it to talk to you. Because firstly, you like to expand the argument, talk fancy, then ignore what other side has to say, maul other people and by discussing past and unrelated to current topic and misrepresent the facts making other people sound crazy. You were quick to tell me the words that I used but you did not speak about the flowers that you showered back on to me in return, I guess that is ethics preached by your famous Muslim, is it not? Good day my dear.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 02 Oct 2021 18:49:22 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Ha ha! Ok Khurram. You have clearly a divide in your views where you view similar things for the Japanese and the Chinese differently.
You say the Champagne test by Lexus was a testament to their quality and not a gimmick or a marketing stunt. Yet Changan test of their engines and getting into the Guinness book of records is a stunt.
You did not mention the Lexus article I sent that talks about how Lexus, to display their engine durability and the durability of the soft top material used in their convertible cars, put the car in a freezer at about -18 degrees and then took it out and drove it. That was again, to you, not a marketing stunt but Changan doing the 100,000 KM test of their SUV is.
My question to you was what do you say about the 22 out of 27 positive, 4 and 5 out of 5 star, reviews for the Alsvin.
What about the Euro NCAP test of the Chinese SUVs where they scored 5 out of 5 stars ratings? Any thoughts.
I don’t think of you “as a person who doesn’t realize evidence” as you put it. You just like to pick and choose your reality.

You responded to TruongNguyen by saying we will never have anything like Proficient again because we have lowered education. Have you forgotten Adam Motors. They did not lose because of talent. They lost because of our leaders who did not support it. Don’t make the mistake of our leaders who do not realize the vast potential of our people. we have so much talent here, its just our leaders who continue to underestimate.

When you have nothing else to back up your views why do you use personal attacks and say things like:
“Yes to me your language mattered how would you feel if the case was reverse?” or me not being sincere in my apology or civil over and over again.
Khurram. I have not said anything harsh or bad mouthed you and have apologized multiple times. You talk about things being reversed, have you forgotten that it was on this very site that you called me things like “Buffoon” and “Idiot” just because I wrote some things that you did not like. Again you got extra personal. On an other website, you suggested people like me should be shot!

And you say things like this “Anyways i am sorry i lost you your precious time and above all still did not acknowledge your evidence, I read your comment below, again your assumption about what i have not done so far has proved that you want to ignore words of hadees”
????? you lost me there…

I’m a sucker for auto industry news. its my favorite topic. I thought I could help you see the exciting new changes in the auto world. All you are doing is closing your eyes and getting angry at anything that hinders your preconceived notions. Does any of this effect you personally? NO. its just keeping things interesting.

A famous (Muslim) once said “A man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life.”

Khurram you suggested in a comment that I was trying to make you look like “an Idiot who cannot say meaningful sentences”
Let me answer that with your own words. Here is an article on this very site that you commented on.
Here is your full comment so you don’t say I quoted you out of context.
That is a seriously good right-up, thankfully, I am not one of the indifferent who want to look cool by not wearing a seat belt. Besides, I have felt that even Corolla Xli 1.3 consumes a bit higher amount of fuel if you are not wearing a seat belt so what is the point in not wearing one, I mean it costs more financially so even from that point it is better to put one on.”
Don’t give me credit for something you are expertly handling yourself.

By: Khurram Sat, 02 Oct 2021 13:12:39 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

Yes to me your language mattered how would you feel if the case was reverse? As for Lexus ads. Why do you think I referred old ad? The ad which referred to no test, pure quality of product and which merely reflected audiences tastes. Did they showed test results at time of brand launch? No. They Did not need that, they knew people would try on the champagne and the car would prove its worth. It did. It is one of most valuable brands.
As for Usman bhai respect did you not read my reply to him or are you merely again trying to flounder the argument and making me sound as person who doesn’t realise evidence? He has patience which you seriously lack even while apologizing it is clear that you have no shame for what you said about me that is why you started your sentence by citing the matter as small. Yet you expect to be responded and agreed with? In my view it is ironic.
So those mechanical problems to you are still not an evidence about car having problems? Well to me they are and I would count them as negative points. Besides, if those aren’t evidence then your word about Mehran should be shaken off as well since it too is being given good reviews by several people.
For Glory I agree that what company did was no show off. It was a good move.
You say you have kept your tongue civil, it is not something that is laudable it is a need as a Muslim. So please do not point that out to me as though you have done a very noticeable thing.
Anyways i am sorry i lost you your precious time and above all still did not acknowledge your evidence, I read your comment below, again your assumption about what i have not done so far has proved that you want to ignore words of hadees.please keep on doing that I don’t care you should not have apologized then as well, as your actions are speaking your feelings. Yet you want people in charge to act ethically? Isn’t it childish to think that they should be honest while we can do whatever we want. However that is my promise I would never counter comment against yours because to you only your views matter and talking with such a person is unethical. One thing more, thanks for telling me difference between hard and soft suspension. I hope this answer ends our tiring war of words.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 02 Oct 2021 10:18:10 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

All I meant to say was there is no need to argue with someone who apparently will not acknowledge any evidence.

By: Ali Khan Sat, 02 Oct 2021 09:59:17 +0000 In reply to Khurram.

Wow! out of all that I wrote, that is what you concentrate on. If that little meaningless thing is an issue for you, using the word “Cynical”; I SINCERELY apologize.
YOU made the comment. Why do I need to waste more space by repeating them when just a small reference would suffice for you? But if that is an issue, again, I SINCERELY apologize.
Now what about the rest?
You said that Lexus did not make any ads. Did you see the ads I sent? What are your thoughts on that?
You said Lexus did not do marketing stunts like Changan. I sent you the link to an article with Lexus’s latest one. What are your thoughts on that?
You said that Lexus connected with their customers. I pointed to the big event by Price taking the Glory 580 pro to various cities for people to experience. What are your thoughts on that?
The Alsvin User Reviews on Pakwheels. Out of 27 total reviews:
1 gave it one star
1 gave it two stars
3 gave it three stars
12 gave it four stars
10 gave it five stars
Out of the low reviews, only about two stated any sort of actual mechanical problems rather than actually just not liking it. Any thought as to why so many gave it flying reviews? What are your thoughts on that?
You have repeatedly said that these are substandard, yet repeatedly we have shown you the accolades these cars and companies have gotten from everyone. What are your thoughts on that?
Usman Bhai himself has shown you proof of that. You say you respect him. Doesn’t his word count for anything. What are your thoughts on that?
You repeatedly say that these “Chinese tests” are rigged by the Chinese. Here is a video showing Chinese SUVs going through the tough Euro NCAP tests in Europe NOT China. Almost all are 5 out of 5 stars in the test including the MG HS. What are your thoughts on that?

No getting personal. No jibes. Please, just give me your short and concise answers. I have tried to be very careful not say anything that you might misconstrued. I have tried to give you a lot of information in my comments.

What are your thoughts?

By: Ali Khan Sat, 02 Oct 2021 08:50:04 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

Brother. Leave it…

By: Khurram Sat, 02 Oct 2021 07:09:01 +0000 In reply to TruongNguyen.

I also cannot fathom why you are trying so hard to convince me on Chinese cars being good or good care being required for car’s longevity? Do I know you? I don’t, so please mind your own business and let the other peoples thoughts be, it is not for you to decide good for them. I would choose to drive whatever I want and say whatever I like, if that is unacceptable to you then put it in your head that it is highly unethical to provoke other people needlessly Mr knowledgeable. Besides, note that corruption is integrated into your recent actions, why start arguing in the first place? My arguments are not baseless, in other words I am not doing corruption, it is not just I, even global people are still looking askance toward Chinese, Korean. Checkout the reports from insurance companies and companies assessing the brand’s worth.
As for your knowledge about Suzuki, I can only laugh at you. Don’t you know that over the period Pakistan’s education quality has gone worse, people cannot do research and are not ready to invest as well. How on earth can you expect our country to make cars like proficient anymore then? Even our most skilled mechanics do not know how to repaint the car at the factory level quality and you are expecting them to reverse engineer and build a car. Car building is not about putting a block, it is sheer engineering, do you have that? It is surprising how apparently knowledgeable people can act like you. Now please stop arguing and let us agree to disagree or are you too knowledgeable to do that
P.S. Stop bringing German cars into discussion, they are considered expensive as compared to Japanese therefore, I cannot even afford to look at them. This response is my last to you, I can know a sick person and know better about results of continuous and meaningless debate.
