Comments on: Daihatsu Scandal is a Warning for Japanese Automakers Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sat, 06 Jan 2024 07:07:50 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Sat, 06 Jan 2024 07:07:50 +0000 In reply to Not a Robot...

According to information, Some of the engines that were under investigation had been used in buses manufactured by its parent company as well as Isuzu Motors Ltd., another Toyota subsidiary specializing in commercial vehicles. Company President Satoshi Ogiso during a news conference in Tokyo which was also attended by Chairman Yoshio Shimo, said that “Employees felt pressured to follow strict schedules and meet numerical targets.”

You are correct. The problem is the very strange and toxic corporate culture in Japan. The lower scale employees can’t even suggest their concerns to the higher management or point out that they might be wrong for taking a particular decision. That creates an environment that is ripe for such “mistakes”. Also, as the article in the link points out, in the case of Hino (as well), all this was under the pressure of the higher management, so they are just as guilty here, if not more so. And yet all that will happen is a few low level employees getting reprimanded or fired and these gaslighting con-artists just bowing down and getting on with business as usual.

Your concern about Pakistan is accurate and scary as well. If that is what they are doing in japan; cutting corners for years where possible. Imagine what they did, and are still doing and getting away with, in Pakistan with no checks and balances. No wonder even in these “tough times for the auto industry”, these buggers are making copious amounts of profit.

By: Not a Robot.. Fri, 05 Jan 2024 07:47:58 +0000 so HINO was cheating since 2003, DAIHATSU has been cheating since 1989 😮 but they will bow down say sorry and fanboys will jump in glee. But how come its a low level job? how come management executives can’t take responsibility? after all subordinates obey orders what they are asked to do, its not a low-level job imo, they were asked to cut corners. Good old Toyota. just imagine what they would’ve been doing here in a market like Pakistan where there is no check & balance
