Comments on: Remembering Subaru J10 (Justy) Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Sun, 26 Feb 2023 14:49:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: karim Sun, 26 Feb 2023 14:49:55 +0000 nice article

By: Finally article about Subaru Domingo Mon, 10 Jan 2022 03:58:55 +0000 In reply to Some detail.

Article on Subaru Domingo is out on 10 Jan 2022:

Another article about Subaru:

By: TruongNguyen Mon, 13 Dec 2021 07:23:24 +0000 And, about the Subaru reliability part... "Subha ro Shaam ro"... this is still true to this day 🤣 In fact, I don't think you'll find a single Subaru model from the early years to the latest models which WON'T give you mechanical issues 🤣🤣🤣 Every one of them has some sort of commonly known problem, and some of them absolutely disastrous, like the EJ20/EJ25's notorious engine ringlands and head gaskets issues... and it doesn't help that this is the most common Subaru engine in a lot of their models 🤣🤣 But even so, people still drive them and use them just because their passionate about them and also because there's none like them! Subaru is one of the only Japanese car brands that has focused on the cheap affordable segment of the car market since the beginning! They don't have fancy offerings in their lineup and most if not all of their vehicles are built for easy off road adventures that can bring even some proper 4WD trucks and SUVs to shame. This is also why they have such a cult following 😁 Great article as always! You're right about the Justy being rare and neglected, most of them are quite rare to come by and owning one nowadays is quite a financial headache because finding parts for these cars are now unicorn...]]> Ah, the time in Pakistan when everyone was launching small affordable cars in good healthy competition with each other for the middle class segment… How times have changed 😔

And, about the Subaru reliability part… “Subha ro Shaam ro”… this is still true to this day 🤣 In fact, I don’t think you’ll find a single Subaru model from the early years to the latest models which WON’T give you mechanical issues 🤣🤣🤣 Every one of them has some sort of commonly known problem, and some of them absolutely disastrous, like the EJ20/EJ25’s notorious engine ringlands and head gaskets issues… and it doesn’t help that this is the most common Subaru engine in a lot of their models 🤣🤣

But even so, people still drive them and use them just because their passionate about them and also because there’s none like them! Subaru is one of the only Japanese car brands that has focused on the cheap affordable segment of the car market since the beginning! They don’t have fancy offerings in their lineup and most if not all of their vehicles are built for easy off road adventures that can bring even some proper 4WD trucks and SUVs to shame. This is also why they have such a cult following 😁

Great article as always! You’re right about the Justy being rare and neglected, most of them are quite rare to come by and owning one nowadays is quite a financial headache because finding parts for these cars are now unicorn…

By: Some detail Mon, 13 Dec 2021 03:45:49 +0000 Subaru is an amazing company. They started so many trends many people don’t know about. Just like Mazda perfected the rotary engine to the level of commercial success, Subaru perfected the flat-4 (EJ) engine, probably the only company except VW.

Subaru made some unique cars like the Outback and WRX. Basically they’re the one who begun the CUV/crossover category by adopting AWD and other semi-offroading features in passenger cars.
There used to be a Subaru Domingo on our streets whose styling was slick, rear engined and AWD. Examples can no longer be seen on our roads. (More on domingo here ->

Subaru & Toyota have a long partnership. Toyota 86 and Subaru BRZ are same, the only difference is the brand.
