Comments on: Waiting Period of Locally Assembled Vehicles Reaches Up To 9 Months Pakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:59:05 +0000 hourly 1 By: Ali Khan Mon, 14 Feb 2022 11:59:05 +0000 ]]> In reply to Khurram.

Hey Khurram

I replied to one of your comments. Here is the link:,COMMENTS,-Oldest

Be sure to add it to your list above.

Have a good one bro. 👍

By: Ali Khan Mon, 14 Feb 2022 10:10:31 +0000 In reply to Silent Soul.


This government is super big on “Awaam ky rights”. So, government bhai jan, get of your high horse and actually do something! Investigate these companies. Don’t announce it; just do surprise checks. Get to the real story.

By: Silent Soul Mon, 14 Feb 2022 07:08:37 +0000 In reply to Ali Khan.

exactly! they will decrease the output saying demand is low but will super-efficiently maintain the months long delivery delays

By: Ali Khan Mon, 14 Feb 2022 06:54:49 +0000 What is mentioned in the first sentence of the article, I find very confusing. If the financing is now more difficult and prices are sky rocketing and registration costs are going through the roof, shouldn’t the delivery times of cars decrease. All the factors mentioned mean that less cars are selling which would mean a surplus of cars available for sale. Yet delivery times have increased. That only means that the car assemblers saw this coming and reduced their output. That is akin to artificially creating a shortage in the market and then doing such practice to maintain the shortage.
These local companies must be investigated for such practices and to ensure such practices are discouraged.

Secondly, the Yaris sales figures don’t surprise me. Looks do matter in a car. What they have done with the local Yaris, it does not look good from any angle. Especially the bumper on the front really makes it look very ugly.

All local toyota sedans in Pakistan are raised up. The Corolla has a ground clearance of 130mm average in other markets. But in Pakistan it is raised by the company to around 180mm. Same with the Yaris. They have raised it too much. And it looks very bad. I have seen a lot of reviews for this car in other markets. There, it is with it’s original height and it looks much better. For the love of sanity reduce the height! It looks so odd and ugly. With tires that are so small and thin it looks even worse.

And lastly if anyone from the local desi Toyota company is listening, change the front bumper to the face lift model. It looks much better. And it is not a costly change just a bumper change.

You want sales, do that!

By: Khurram Mon, 14 Feb 2022 04:49:19 +0000 A very insightful article Bhai Usman may your health, wealth and eman increase. I do hope that it is able to dissuade car buyers choosing to buy cars on money. Ethical acting is the only way that can end this menace but of course it is a tall expectation especially amid the level of understanding and mannerism presented by people like Truong, Ali Khan and Not a Robot in comments section on these and so many articles

It is a real shame to see so-called educated factions present among Pakistani society losing its civility by large margins with each passing day and yet these very people wonder why nothing good is happening. Pure irony.

By: kamal Mon, 14 Feb 2022 04:30:11 +0000 9 months mai to bacha bahar a jata hai in baysharmo se car nahi deliver ki jati aur pesa bhi bar bar barha dete hain delivery se pehle
