In a rather surprising move, Hyundai-Nishat has announced a Rs 200,000 increase in price across the H-100 Porter commercial pickup range. The move comes when the industry is witnessing a trend of massive price reductions. The revised prices will be effective from July 2024.
According to the notification, the Porter 2.6L deckless variant will now cost PKR 40.39 lac for the non-AC variant and PKR 41.49 lac for the AC variant. Similarly, the standard variant with the deck will now cost PKR 40.59 lac for the non-AC variant and PKR 41.69 lac for the AC variant. Lastly, the high-deck variant will now cost PKR 40.79 lac for the non-AC and PKR 41.89 lac for the AC variant.
While the company hasn’t mentioned the reason behind the move, the upcoming budget will likely have some impact on prices which might go down a bit, especially in the case of commercial vehicles, and Hyundai’s move is perhaps an attempt to offset the price decrease effect. Nevertheless, the situation will become clearer soon, so stay tuned for more updates.

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