Pakistan-China Friendship Car Rally Reaches Sindh


Pakistan and China friendship car rally today reached Larkana from Bhawalpur via Ghotki and Sukkur district. The rally was warmly welcomed by the Commissioner Larkana division and Deputy Commissioner of the district. The participants of the rally also visited the world heritage site MohenJo Daro.

Related: Warm Welcome For The Pak-China Friendship Rally

Earlier the Rally reached Sukkur from Bahawalpur. The car rally comprising of 20 cars and 52 people entered Sukkur city to highlight the significance of China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC).The participants were warmly received by the Mayor of Sukkur Arslan Shaikh along with Commissioner Sukkur Muhammad Abbas Baloch and the local administration. On the occasion, a large number of people were gathered and Pak China Dosti Zindabad slogans were also raised.

The rally after Karachi and Gwadar will go to Iran and from there to the UAE. It is mentioned here that the rally is an initiative to celebrate the decades-long friendship between Pakistan and China and particularly the multi-billion dollars Pak-China Economic Corridor (CPEC) project.


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