Petrol Prices Increased by Rs 6 per Liter

Federal government on Sunday has increased the prices of petroleum products. The prices of petrol and diesel have gone up by Rs 6 per liter. Whereas the price of kerosene oil and light-speed diesel has been increased by Rs 3 per liter.

Earlier, the Oil and Gas Regulatory Authority (OGRA) had proposed to increase the petroleum prices by up to Rs 12 due to fluctuation in global oil prices for the month of April 2019.

The new prices will be applicable from the 1st of April 2019.

 Old Price (per liter)New Price (per liter)
PetrolRs 92.89Rs 98.89
High-speed dieselRs 111.43Rs 117.43
Kerosene oilRs 86.31Rs 89.31
Light-speed dieselRs 77.54Rs 80.54


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