How to Properly Adjust Your Side and Rear View Mirrors

The correct adjustment of rear view mirrors is important in regards to safety to yourself, your passengers and others on the road. Your rear view mirrors should be set up in a way that they effectively remove the blind spots.

A blind spot in a vehicle is an area around the vehicle that cannot be directly observed by the driver while at the controls. Blind spots may occur in the front of the driver when the A-pillar, side-view mirror, or interior rear-view mirror block a driver’s view of the road. Behind the driver, headrests and additional pillars may also reduce visibility.

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Many accidents could be avoided if everyone had their rearview mirrors positioned correctly, eliminating blind spots and making it easier to switch lanes quickly.

How to Set Up Interior Rear View mirror

The rear view mirror is an exact representation of the distance of objects behind you as the glass is flat. Setting the interior rear view mirror should be done as follows: Sit in your normal driving position and using your left hand, grip the plastic surrounds of the mirror and move it so that you can see the entire rear window and as little of the interior as possible. Essentially, ‘Frame’ the rear window in the mirror.

How to Set Up Right Side Door Mirror

Sitting in your normal driving position, adjust the right wing mirror so that the horizon is in the center of the mirror. Ensure there is only a very small portion of the side of your car in the left-end of the mirror. This will allow you to see more of the road behind you. It’s important that you adjust the mirrors in the driving position after you have adjusted the seats correctly or you will need to set the mirrors again.

How to Set Up Left Side Door Mirror

Adjust the left wing mirror using the same technique as the right mirror, sitting in the driving position after the seats have been adjusted. However you can set the left mirror slightly lower than the right mirror, this will allow you to have a better view of the kerb whilst doing maneuvers & reversing the vehicle. Ensure you do not set the mirror too low and that you can still see clearly the end of the road (horizon).

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