Winners and Losers of March 2020

March 2020 saw lowest monthly car sales in Pakistan after December 2008 amid enforcement of lockdown by government to contain the spread of coronavirus, which also resulted in closure of plants. On month-on-month basis, car sales fell by 43% while they witnessed a horrifying 70% decline on year-on-year basis.

Related: Car Sales Declined by 47% in First 9 Months of FY19-20

According to the data released by Pakistan Automobile Manufacturers Association (PAMA), most of the Suzuki models saw their lowest-ever sales in March 2020. Overall Pak Suzuki saw a 50% decline in sales, followed by Indus Motor Company which saw 43% decline while Honda Atlas suffered from 27% reduction in sales on month-on-month basis.

Each month we bring you the Winners & Losers comparison, where winners are those which saw an improvement in sales over the previous month and losers being those which witness a decline in sales. So let us now see the Winners & Losers for March 2020.


ModelFebruary 2020March 2020Difference
Isuzu D-Max478478.7%

Winners and Losers of March 2020 1

This is perhaps the most amazing Winners chart we have ever compiled. While the larger picture of local auto industry & car sales looks quite disappointing indeed, the Isuzu D-Max did exceptionally well even in these tough times, the sales of which saw an impressive 78.7% increase from the previous month.


ModelsFebruary 2020March 2020Difference
Suzuki Swift18682-55.9%
Suzuki WagonR699310-55.6%
Suzuki Cultus1,535710-53.7%
Suzuki Ravi615293-52.3%
Suzuki Alto1,620884-45.4%
Suzuki Bolan719394-45.2%
Toyota Corolla3,7152,089-43.7%
Toyota Hilux584346-40.7%
Honda Civic & City1,8681,327-28.9%
Toyota Fortuner211158-25.1%
Honda BR-V273237-13.1%

Winners and Losers of March 2020 2

And just as the Winners, this is sure the most amazing Losers chart we have ever put together. As evident from above, all the Suzuki vehicles suffered maximum in terms of sales loss. Not only that the sales plunged, they got reduced by a huge margin. The 16-year old Swift saw the most damage of nearly 60% reduction in sales, followed by WagonR 57%, Cultus 54%, Ravi 52%, then Alto & Bolan by 45% each. Toyota Corolla saw a 44% decline followed by Hilux 41%, Civic & City combined by 29% and Fortuner by 25%. The Honda BR-V suffered the least damage with 13% decline in sales in March 2020.

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