Oil Tanker Owners Association Announces Countrywide Strike

All Pakistan Oil Tankers Owners As­sociation has announced a suspension of petroleum products supply with immediate effect as a protest against Pakistan State Oil’s alleged inaccurate measurement. “Supply of petroleum products will be suspended against the inaccurate measurement from PSO administration,” the association said.

Delivery of petroleum products will remain suspended in Gilgit-Baltistan, Rawalpindi, Islamabad, and Azad Kash­mir, the association said. The associa­tion also announced that the supply of petroleum products to all airports in the country will be suspended as well. “Supply will be suspended until our demands are accepted,” the asso­ciation announced.

Legal notices were sent to PSO officials and DC Islamabad did not receive any response, it said. De­mand for filling under a metered system should be met promptly, the associa­tion maintained. The association has alleged that the district administration and PSO administration have violated the agreement reached between both sides on February 20, 2024.

The association has stated that the supply halt will continue until their demands are met. Despite attempts to communicate with PSO officials and the Deputy Commissioner of Islamabad, no response has been received. At the heart of their grievances is the issue of meeting demand under a metered system, which the association insists must be promptly addressed. They argue that the district administration and officials have violated terms laid out in the agreement reached on February 20.

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