Why Pakistan Usually Get Globally-Retired Cars?
70% of new cars sold in Pakistan are globally obsolete models, why is that? Let’s find out!
Why Pakistan Usually Get Globally-Retired Cars? Read MorePakistan's Trusted Automobile Blog
70% of new cars sold in Pakistan are globally obsolete models, why is that? Let’s find out!
Why Pakistan Usually Get Globally-Retired Cars? Read MoreZimbabwe will soon start manufacturing its own cars, as current imports were choking the country’s potential in the automobile industry.
Zimbabwe to Start Making Own Cars Read MoreNot so long ago, Pakistan was planning to enhance its annual automobile production from the existing 250,000 units to about 1 million units over the next 5 years. But even before the flight to achieve that dream could take off, the local auto industry was hit hard by the recent import restrictions by the State Bank which badly exposed the high localization claims made by the local assemblers. Even the production of decade-old vehicles has been hampered due to lack of sufficient localization achieved during all these years.
Anticipation of 1 Million Units & the Sudden Brake Read MoreTime and time journalists & researchers have pointed out the malpractices in the auto sector, especially regarding the on-money (own/ premium). During all these years, policymakers made some cosmetic measures to show they are serious to curb this menace, but no concrete measure has ever been taken to tackle the devil.
Policymakers’ Love With the On-Money Devil Read MoreCar buying options for the masses during the Musharraf regime without a definite auto policy were much more diverse compared to the current era.
Has Pakistan’s Auto Policy Benefited the Masses? Read MoreGovernment in the latest Auto Industry Development and Export Policy (AIDEP 2021-26) decided that vehicles shall not be allowed to go on sale after June 30, 2022 whether locally manufactured or imported, which are not compliant of shortlisted WP29 regulations. However, we are already heading towards the end of July and there is no sign of implementation of the said WP29 standards.
Shortlisted WP29 Regulations Yet to be Implemented Read MoreAn auto industry monitoring committee meeting is scheduled to be held on 1st April 2022 where the issue of increasing prices of brand new cars in Pakistan will be discussed.
Auto Industry Monitoring Committee to Discuss Increase in Car Prices Read MoreKeeping in view the benefits of auto consumers of Pakistan, the following clauses should be included in the AIDEP 2021-26 framework.
These Clauses Should be Included in AIDEP 2021-26 Framework Read MoreEDB has received more than 1,290 complaints related to the local auto sector.
1,290 Complaints Related to Auto Sector Received by EDB Read MoreRiding a motorcycle with family of 4+ people in traffic is much dangerous & risky than to drive in a car without airbags, and to counter this enforcing the riders to just wear helmets won’t solve much of the problems.
Demand for Motorcycles and the New Auto Policy for Safer Cars Read More