Japanese auto giant Toyota has suspended operations at all of its production plants in its home country due to a glitch in its production system. The move has brought domestic production at the world’s biggest-selling car maker to a standstill.
According to BBC citing a company spokesman, the malfunction has meant Toyota has not been able to order components. Initially, the automaker suspended operations at 12 of its 14 assembly plants in Japan. However, later production at all 14 facilities was suspended. The company is reportedly trying to find the cause of the problem but does not currently believe it is due to a cyber attack.
The one-day disruption caused an output loss of around 13,500 cars. Toyota is a pioneer of the so-called “just-in-time” production system, which keeps costs down but can be vulnerable to problems if deliveries of components are disrupted.
Last year in March, Toyota operations were halted for a day due to a cyberattack on a supplier, which hampered the company’s ability to order parts. Toyota resumed operations with the help of a backup network. Analysts said Toyota could be tested in making up for output lost during the latest outage, such as by running extra shifts.

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