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Its Time to Love Your Existing Car

Money is tight for just about everyone, so why throw away your car that’s running well just because it’s feeling worn down? There are many ways to keep your old car in good nick, adhering to which you might not need to be changing your existing car that frequently. So unless things get back to sanity, keeping your existing car is perhaps the safest bet than to throw away a huge price in buying another used car.

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Delivery Delays are Nothing Less Than a Blessing for Assemblers

Delays in deliveries are a bad thing, both for customers as well as the assemblers. But who cares for reputation in an uncontrolled & disregarded market like ours where government and authorities nowhere seem to exist and customers are at the mercy of assemblers to be fleeced in whatever way possible.

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Car Price Comparison: June 2019 vs July 2022

When compared to prices from 3 years ago, June 2019 to be exact, renders a saddening situation of the economy as well as the import-dependent auto sector which is still in its infancy despite more than three decades of presence. Customers also blame that in the absence of any check & balance by the government, the impact of slightest of forex fluctuation is transferred by more than 100% on to the customers when assemblers claim to have achieved up to 70% localization.

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Shortlisted WP29 Regulations Yet to be Implemented

Government in the latest Auto Industry Development and Export Policy (AIDEP 2021-26) decided that vehicles shall not be allowed to go on sale after June 30, 2022 whether locally manufactured or imported, which are not compliant of shortlisted WP29 regulations. However, we are already heading towards the end of July and there is no sign of implementation of the said WP29 standards.

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